Ontario here, pretty much everybody here has a couple bags in their freezer with a wooden spoon or something stuck inside, so you can eat it as one giant milk popsicle.
Nice! Sadly we don't have this where I live but I'm pretty sure if we did my clumsy sis would ruin pools and pools of milk every year by handing/holding the bags poorly.
We randomly changed from a milk carton to milk bags when I was in elementary school. Let me tell you suddenly changing a bunch of grade school kid's milk containers with no instruction led to some rather messy lunches. Especially since they only gave us the bag and a straw to stick in it.
· 7 years ago
We also have Bagged milk here. But we don't just put them into jugs and pour straight out of them.
Nope. It's just that people like warm milk over here and there's a bit difference between Boiled Milk and not Boiled Milk. I guess, when it's not boiled, it's a bit heavy.
Uhm, the milk in India is probably unpasteurized, therefore if it is boiled then it lasts longer (not safe/unsafe, it just takes longer to spoil). Can someone in India confirm if the milk is pasteurized? I really need to know if your milk is pasteurized. Please? Pasteurized?
I'm in Ontario here and I have no idea why its in a bag it's too much work u gotta take it out of the the fridge out it in the container and make sure it's in properly and not half hanging out then u gotta cut it open and Ohh and good luck pouring it without spilling it LOL it's such a blessing
You have less than a day to drink the bag or else it absorbs fridge flavours. I have lost too many bowls of cereal to onion flavoured milk. -The Ontarian who now buys resealable milk
We had them in the UK for a year, or so.
Then a kindly gent made complaint to the Queen, and we blasted the confounded things into the north sea via Cannon!
Bagged milk could also be slang for boobs just saying.
Although I don't get the point of it if then you need an apparatus to pour it, why not just use a bottle from the beginning
Here's an image of a really popular brand of milk in India.
And here's why we boil Pasteurised milk in India.
We shouldn't, but we do. It's because we are used to the boiling of fresh dairy milk, that habit has passed on now.
Edit: Dairy.
However we also consume Buffalo Milk, Camel Milk, Goat Milk, Sheep Milk and Yak Milk.
Then a kindly gent made complaint to the Queen, and we blasted the confounded things into the north sea via Cannon!
Although I don't get the point of it if then you need an apparatus to pour it, why not just use a bottle from the beginning