Pickles and onion are veg. Extra means extra. You don't get credit because on a multiple choice question you picked B and it was correct. You don't get extra points for knowing A,C and D were wrong. Grow the heck up.
What would start happening is everything would start coming plain. No cheeseburgers unless you paid extra for cheese and your condiments would also cost extra.
Though I do think if you take one thing off and replace it with something else ( ask for no pickles but extra onions) it should even out
It's actually quite complicated. Prices per unit of various ingredients are different and fluctuate. Often times when broken down for cost an ingredient is priced in the whole below cost, but that loss is offset by profit. Then throw in some things like produce are more likely to spoil, and ingredients are generally purchased (or thawed) based on anticipated demand plus safety quantity based on average orders, as well as menuitems being priced by demand and ingredients to offset costs across the menu.... messing with menu configurations can have a big impact when magnified over many customers. Then there's a labor component when people are used to and optimized for an "assembly line" and things get wonky. So they just price things at what fits their algorithm for a default dish and subtraction is usually free and addition usually costs or is designed into pricing already.
This is where Burger King gained ground on McDonald's . Mickey D's just made burgers and BK came in and f'd it all up by saying "Hold the pickles, hold the lettuce. Special orders don't upset us." If it weren't for Burger King we could still have 50 cent cheeseburgers and take our own damn pickle off.
· 7 years ago
Bacon and cheese are considerably more expensive than onions and pickles, and leaving anything off has a negative impact on the workflow routine.
Though I do think if you take one thing off and replace it with something else ( ask for no pickles but extra onions) it should even out
It's just a food, it's not the end of the world.