I think its more about prioritization. People are more concerned with, and thus will spend far more on, a bunch of guys playing with a ball than they are with expanding our understanding of our solar system and potentially colonizing another planet.
· 7 years ago
The reason the team spends more money on better players is to make more money by winning more
But- this is faulty reasoning on several fronts. Quite a few teams are historical losers, either habitually losing games or championships, some not even making it to play offs, and with several popular teams on decades long dry spells yet still marketing. Just as in the auto industry where they have moved away from the "win on Sunday sell on Monday" mentality- victory doesn't directly equate to profit. Further this also is a prisoners dilemma. If team A and team B both limit salaries, they will still have equal players either through the fact that players will play for what is offered or not play at all- or by equally matched but less skilled players. They set the bar they must continue to raise in an industry with little to no competing leagues for those interested in a particular sport. That said- I sometimes dream what the combined wealth, power, and interest of those fans could do if it was directed at something even marginally productive to society.
Yeah, where are those feed the poor crybabies now, huh?
Where were they during the Superbowl or the world series?
Where will they be during the college basket ball finals when the schools and the league(s) will be raking in the money hand over fist but the players don't see a single fucking dime?
There's a whole other thread on here where some lady was picking apart Musk for not donating the cost of the launch to charity. I think this is a pretty good reply.
Where were they during the Superbowl or the world series?
Where will they be during the college basket ball finals when the schools and the league(s) will be raking in the money hand over fist but the players don't see a single fucking dime?