Fat/body weight doesn't equal beauty. Honey Boo Boo's mom found someone to love her - you can too. (Disclaimer: I am not referencing any health problems that can be caused by weight. We are not getting into a debate about that. We are talking about attractiveness and how it doesn't matter your weight.)
Just because all US presidents need to be at least 35 also doesn't mean that anyone over 35 is president. This is self evident reasoning. Just be aware that your opinion of beautiful, the opinion of a billion people who agree- is not the definition of beautiful. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Not everyone needs to be beautiful, even models. Inclusion means that sometimes what you like won't be represented and that's fine. Most of the time other people's appearances have nothing to do with us- and phrased differently as: "I don't enjoy staring at you" we can see how not finding someone beautiful is generally irrelevant and not useful in most conversation. Asides a date or an audition for prostitutes I can't think of many times "I don't think I'd like to Be sexual arroused by this person" is going to be useful to say.
Not all overweight people are beautiful. Not all skinny people are beautiful. Not all black people are beautiful. Not all white people are beautiful.
It goes on.
The point is, not everyone is beautiful or pretty, especially from different peoples points of perspective.
Actually not so much. The logic cancels itself out. If we say that not everyone is beautiful because some people find them unattractive, then it must also be true that everyone is beautiful as some people will find them attractive. The best we could hope for there would be a zero sum game in which the two cancel out and no one is beautiful and no one is ugly; or where everyone is both beautiful and ugly. The latter may be closest to reality- in which we each decide which of the two we want to label a person as. So perhaps the succinct way to say it is simply: "not everyone will find someone beautiful" or the classic: "beauty is in the eye of the beholder." In other words, we can state an opinion on beauty but can't state beauty or lack of as an absolute fact or state of being.
There are definitely people who exist/have existed with whom it would be utterly impossible to find any physical attractiveness, usually from horrible genetic diseases or freak horrific accidents. These people might have a beautiful soul, but to everyone with eyes it's pretty much universal agreement that physical beauty is just impossible.
It seems you're unaware of rule 34? While it's true that anything is possible, including someone being unattractive to every person on earth, The odds that one out of several billion people wouldn't find any one person beautiful are quite slim. Regardless of how we want to resolve the conflict between a hypothetical where no one found a person attractive and the equally possible at least someone finding a person attractive, the point remains. There isn't a universal standard of beauty. There are traits which are more highly valued in certain societies, and some common traits that are shared in value amongst the vocal majority of most societies, but a majority vote does not constitute universal truth or even truth. Beauty is an opinion and like any opinion no matter how many people agree with you it is just that- not fact. An opinion itself does not change reality or create fact, it represents an interpretation of facts and is not objective truth.
About half the country doubted Trump would be elected president. Most of the financial sector doubted credit default swaps would destroy the economy even when someone showed them the evidence. Here we are. Doubts are fine and dandy but as said- personal opinion is personal opinion and doesn't indicate universal truth.
How about this? There's people that hate skinny and love overweight girls, they have a fetish for it, honestly. And there's people that like the opposite. It's not about weight, and it's not about what the ideal beauty looks like. Because everyone has a different preference or type of beauty. My friend could like a buff, muscular guy with sunken in cheeks while I like the opposite, because I don't like muscular dudes even though that's the ideal man, such as abs, huge biceps and a jawline that could cut paper. I don't like that, that is not my type and I don't find it attractive. But some girls do, and that's okay, too.
we have different definitions for those words "pretty" "attractive" "hot" etc
some like big so they prefer chubby girls/guys, some stick with model-like type
so what
at the end of the day, it's all you and the people who matter to you
you can receive dozens of compliments on your appearance and characters from others but at night, you can lay in bed crying over how much you disgust yourself in every way
what's the good in that
look in the mirror, what you hate, what you love. know it. own it
what others think doesnt matter
ofc , you may live long or short but the quality is over quantity
so just be happy
Ditto for dudes. Fat men are unattractive. Sheesh the health problems alone. Amirite ladies?!
Fuck y’all for still thinking your thoughts on attractiveness matter. If another dude with a fetish for what’s “unconventionally” attractive pops out the woodwork, y’all are gonna need to rethink your position on what’s attractive. Climb out of your morality corners and recognize health and attractiveness are no longer synonymous with one another.
· 7 years ago
Aren't plus sized models usually just more thick than fat anyway?
Like, I don't think plus sized models usually dip into the 300lb+ range.
I could be wrong, I've done no research lol
"And when everyone's attractive, *evil laugh* no one will be!"
It goes on.
The point is, not everyone is beautiful or pretty, especially from different peoples points of perspective.
some like big so they prefer chubby girls/guys, some stick with model-like type
so what
at the end of the day, it's all you and the people who matter to you
you can receive dozens of compliments on your appearance and characters from others but at night, you can lay in bed crying over how much you disgust yourself in every way
what's the good in that
look in the mirror, what you hate, what you love. know it. own it
what others think doesnt matter
ofc , you may live long or short but the quality is over quantity
so just be happy
Fuck y’all for still thinking your thoughts on attractiveness matter. If another dude with a fetish for what’s “unconventionally” attractive pops out the woodwork, y’all are gonna need to rethink your position on what’s attractive. Climb out of your morality corners and recognize health and attractiveness are no longer synonymous with one another.
Like, I don't think plus sized models usually dip into the 300lb+ range.
I could be wrong, I've done no research lol