Go shit in the streets and treat women like garbage. The west is the best.
· 7 years ago
We have a beautiful world full of marvelous minds. The majority of them are all reaching for the same thing: the betterment of the human species. Are there some terrible outliers? Sure. For every 100 Muslims, one is a terrorist. For every 100 Christians, one is a racist. For every 100 businessmen, one is a greedy Scrooge. For every 100 Mexicans, one is jumping our wall.
But for every 100 terrorists, there are a thousand Muslims praying for peace. For every 100 racists, there are a thousand Christians marching for equal rights and treatment of race and gender minorities. For every 100 Scrooges, there are a thousand business owners putting in extra time and money so their employees can have insurance. For every 100 illegal immigrants, there are a thousand abuelitas who would rather die than watch you go without a meal, even though you wouldn't appreciate their sacrifices anyways.
Edited 7 years ago
· 7 years ago
There is so much in this world, that even if the West were better than anything you knew, it might be worse than literally a million other things.
If ten is the highest number you know, then of course you'll think eight and nine are a lot.
· 7 years ago
@guest. What you call "the west" is actually a culmination of different people and their cultures, all of whom are immigrants (yes, even the whites) contributing to make their city, country, and even world, a better place. But you won't ever appreciate that if you keep saying crap like "the west is best".
In any case, what does it matter?
But for every 100 terrorists, there are a thousand Muslims praying for peace. For every 100 racists, there are a thousand Christians marching for equal rights and treatment of race and gender minorities. For every 100 Scrooges, there are a thousand business owners putting in extra time and money so their employees can have insurance. For every 100 illegal immigrants, there are a thousand abuelitas who would rather die than watch you go without a meal, even though you wouldn't appreciate their sacrifices anyways.
If ten is the highest number you know, then of course you'll think eight and nine are a lot.