Go ahead and hold this L for me
7 years ago by eurodancer · 1313 Likes · 34 comments · Popular
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· 7 years ago
Im ok with the teacher being gay but if he is teaching shiz about homosexuals and other things to my kid ima be pissed that is my job as a parent and i should be able to teach my own children about that subject. If they just teaching regular curriculum cool.
· 7 years ago
What about during sex education? Should your child not have a basic understanding of differences in orientation
· 7 years ago
You can talk about sex and some basic things but I want to personally teach my child about other genders and go into detail about them especially coming from my religious perspective.
Edited 7 years ago
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· 7 years ago
Stay away from teaching you're kids about sex from a religious perspective. I have yet to meet anyone who has taught their kids in a healthy manner through religion. Teach them the way they educate the kids in Finland. Start in kindergarten with consent, appropriate touching, etc. As they get older they learn about stds and how to prevent getting them, birth control, healthy pregnancy, etc. This will give them the tools they need to make healthy decisions as they get older.
· 7 years ago
They are my kids I want to raise them and teach them the way I want to you dont get to tell me how to do that less im beating them up or something. I have met plenty of people who are healthy with religious teachings because ive grown up around a ton of them. You raise your kids your way ill raise my kids my way. My kids should know what I believe religiously and what I hope they will believe in the future. Also did you say i should start in kindergarten with touching?
· 7 years ago
Yes, about appropriate and inappropriate touching aka asking if you can give someone a hug and respecting their response. I said touching and you immediately went somewhere else. Perhaps you're the one with the problem and not wanting to give you're kids all the tools they need to make informed decisions in their life. You are incredibly biased and want to shove your own personal beliefs onto them. Just look into the program Finland has, you find that it's incredibly informative and a fantastic program.
· 7 years ago
Yo wtf bro whats with this i just simply want to raise MY KIDS my way and you tell me im biased and want to shove my beliefs down their throat. If I believe in my religion and that this is the correct belief sure i want my kids to go to it, to feel god in their lives and make and them happy like he has for me. Its still their choice still but you act like teaching my beliefs is somehow super wrong and yours aren't. It is super bigoted of you just to assume my beliefs are terrible when I say im religious and you are somehow the book of wisdom itself. I just got confused cause you said touching and without context or anything else maybe you should elaborate more on your points instead of just assuming everyone is messed up for not understanding what you were trying to say.
Edited 7 years ago
· 7 years ago
If we teach our kids about consent and what is sexual early on, kids who are being abused will be able to recognize that what they're going through isn't normal.
· 7 years ago
im not disagreeing with that part im just saying there is a lot of assumptions in what he says and there is nothing wrong with religion a lot of people believe in it and there is no need to assume a bunch of things about every religious person. Just common sense you shouldnt just someone by something so bland its kind of a dick move.
Edited 7 years ago
· 7 years ago
Saying that you believe in your religion and if that is the correct belief proves my point. I'm not saying don't teach your kids about religion I'm just saying that religion and sex education should not be mixed. I'm just saying that your kids should have all of the information available so that they can make the right decisions for themselves, for their bodies. I'm not saying that I'm the book of wisdom, I just care enough to say something and suggest a fantastic sex education program.
· 7 years ago
Something like that should be primarily the family's prerogative. I will not cede the right to raise and teach my children to any government.
Edited 7 years ago
· 7 years ago
Im saying there is a definite standard in sex between a religious view and a non religious view. For example sex i believe should be reserved for marriage only for good reason. I of course will teach safe sex but I will not just ignore my own religious view points on sex education and that especially goes for same sex relations or any other relations that are not traditional. Im down for the school helping out by teaching about condoms and how kids are conceived but when it comes to teaching about same sex or other relations I want to teach my kid.
· 7 years ago
Are you saying that you're against same sex relations?
· 7 years ago
im saying i want to teach my kid about it because i dont agree with some of the worlds view on it and yeah i dont think its what god wants I would be a terrible father to let the world teach my son.
Edited 7 years ago
· 7 years ago
What happens if you're son is gay?
· 7 years ago
thats life then i got to help him through it and i gotta help him fight it and support him the same with every temptation
· 7 years ago
Aw, geez. Hopefully no gay son has to put up with you.
· 7 years ago
i said i would support him and help him fight it bro its a temptation just like some of us got to deal with drugs and some of us gotta deal with lust for women. Does not mean you have to act on that. If he wants that life then so be it if he wants to still be christian and he dont want to cool. You dont get it though i dont get it from his perspective but you dont see it from mine.
· 7 years ago
Dealing with being gay isn't like dealing with lust or dealing with a drug addiction. If he spends his life trying to fight his gay feelings, he'll be miserable the entire time. Too many end up in loveless marriages with women that they're not attracted to, and I don't want to see that happening to anyone.
· 7 years ago
im not saying he has to get married and yeah you have to deal with drugs and lust for your entire life its not like when your 60 you just become immune to sin.
· 7 years ago
But he'll have less luck fighting off being gay than he'd have trying to fight off his hair color, hearing, or his sense of sight. I'm sure you know what it's like to be actually in love with someone. It's not something that can be fought or reckoned with.
· 7 years ago
Its his choice I would want my son to get closer to god and maybe he doesnt want to then it is what it is I said I would be there for him and of course I would want my son and prefer if he didnt have sex with a guy or do a lot of things that are prominent in the gay community. Like I said its his choice I would try to raise him the way I was raised and the way I think would help him or would benefit him which is being close to god. Homosexuality is hard very hard but so are a lot of things.
· 7 years ago
Homosexuality is not a choice. When did you choose to be straight?
· 7 years ago
I never said it was a choice wtf. I said its his choice to choose lifestyle. I said if he doesnt want my help or my religion anymore and wants to pursue gay life and culture then sure that is his choice. You best believe though that would not be my decision and I would want him to come closer to god.
· 7 years ago
So, if someone has a choice between a gay or straight lifestyle, why don't all gay people choose to life a straight lifestyle?
· 7 years ago
Random opinion: People can be gay and christian.
· 7 years ago
Absolutely people can gay and whatever religion they choose to be. :)
· 7 years ago
People can choose whatever they want i never said straight community you know how big of a community that is. im just saying gay communities struggle with drugs stds and huge rates of depression due to a combo of those things and have many more issues if he wants to go and get fd in the butt by a bunch of dudes sure go ahead. I also will say though religion is not just a thing you cherry pick from you dont get to throw parts out just because you dont like them. Marriage is between a man and a women and that is gods will. We can argue retarded hypothetical all day long but we both dont know what my possible gay son would want feel or desire nor do we know if he would actually be gay. I just know ill teach him my morals and principles that i developed through religion just like you will teach your kid yours. You dont like my principles just like i dont like yours deal with it.
· 7 years ago
Just imagine, Mr Straight Male, your child spending 8h per days with classmates that are homosexual. The terror!
· 7 years ago
Unfortunately no teacher is truly unbiased, curriculum only; they all are their opinions. When an individual is in a position of authority and as a role model. If they are also living an at-risk lifestyle that statistically guarantees problems from health, to social, financial etc; then I would say they aren’t the best person to be around children as an influence.
· 7 years ago
So the kids don’t *decide* to be gay?
· 7 years ago
As a bisexual I can confirm that it was the gay pet fish in class that made me gay. The at risk lifestyle just drew me in
Edited 7 years ago
· 7 years ago
Looks like skydivers, football players, exmilitary, and white water rafting enthusiasts can't become teachers either, due to their at risk lifestyle. They're statistically more likely to suffer injury or illness.
Edited 7 years ago
· 7 years ago
I'd like to see them try and stop me.