Just remember: CRY at THE ALTER, PUNCH at THE WALL. Weddings are emotional and so many cues and prompts. DO NOT mix those up or you'll ruin the whole thing.
· 7 years ago
*accidentally punches minister*
*cries at nearby wall*
· 7 years ago
What’s the problem with this? It’s just saying that crying’s healthy, that’s not bad is it?
Not necessarily. For starters studies show "venting" can actually not only be detrimental to overall well being but extreme venting can reinforce aggression or negative behavior and make people more likely to act out. Society is based around controlling our emotions and urges. You can't walk out in the middle of holding a ladder for a friend because you're hungry or bored, you can't just have sec with someone or selfnpleasure because you feel like it, you can't bust out laughing in a funeral or while your best friend is taking their wedding vows. Being able to control our outward emotional displays is part of living in society. We don't actually value it as much to show toughness that you aren't effected- but because it shows you are able to control yourself. There are appropriate times and ways to express emotion. Holding it in or not what is important is processing and accepting emotion. We resort to emotional outburst when we lack the tools or control to deal with feelings.
Depends on the way you vent. For me, fighting severe clinical dep/anx was all about writing. Getting those emotions onto a piece of paper did more for me than all 8 antidepressants they tried on me. For some people is may be music. Others it may be art. If you look back on history, some of the most beautiful things have come from people's darkest pain. As long as it's not violent, or self harming, you should do it.
In the end you have to do what works best for you. I'm just saying that the all or nothing approach to emotions often stated in popular culture isn't in itself healthy or advisable. As human beings we must sometimes put the practicality of a situation ahead of emotions, we must strive not to be reactive but to be purposeful in thought and deed. There's nothing wrong with crying, or even with suffering a mental or emotional break down when we are pushed by strong emotion beyond our ability to cope, however the distinction should be clear that one can keep their emotional state to themselves while still being able to express emotions in a healthy manner. I mention venting "can be" unhealthy, it can also be a healthy and regular coping mechanism. It's contextual in how we vent and where/when.
· 7 years ago
I don't cry much anyway. Not because of the conditoning, mostly due to me being mentally tough.
This is partially factual but largely just non scientific speculation. The "tears of different emotions" thing comes from an art project and not a scientific study subject to controls or review.. You make 3 types of tears, each with a distinct purpose. Tears in general contain enzymes along with salt water, but their composition varies, like any bodily fluid, on many factors including intake and current conditions. Emotional tears do carry proteins and a hormone called leucine enkephalin. This hormone can act as a natural pain killer, but so does dopamine which is why some people use pain to alieviate emotional distress. In other words showing emotion can be healthy or unhealthy, but much of the above is "my little pony story hour" and not based in fact.
*cries at nearby wall*