And so am I, which may be why I was smart enough to research it before coming to a conclusion. FYI it's fake, however some years ago a similar incident did happen in Arizona. Oh- I should have led with, also there's a world news daily attribution at the bottom of the sub text which is also a big clue since they're a satire news site.
god fucking damnit, POT MEET KETTLE.
Iceman: "Maverick, it's not your flying, it's your attitude. The enemy is dangerous, but right now you're worse. Dangerous and foolish. You may not like who's flying with you, they may not like you, but whose side are you on?"
Edited 7 years ago
· 7 years ago
I should kill a man because he voted hillary, right?
No? You shouldn't kill someone because of their opinion?
This never happened. The closest that occurred was when Holly Solomon of Arizona ran over her husband after she felt his failure to vote helped Barack Obama get elected a second term. World news daily is a satirical fake news site. She was technically on the right, not the left. This is how spin works. Unless of course you are 60 seconds to scrutinize what you're seeing.
Classic alt-right whining "Oh, apparently we can't be doing what we're unhinderedly doing all the bloody time while continuously whining we can't do it "
You can do as you like. While you know you very well, and others may know you very well, obviously we do not know each other very well. I have no way to know what you do or do not know, so I added that information. A text based medium can make nuances hard to convey, and we've yet to create punctuation to discern statements such as sarcasm, irony, etc. so I apologize if I ruined your fun or insulted you by telling you something you already knew. In the age of the internet I often have to remind myself that my classic go to of playing "over the top ignorance" or parody of ridiculous "characters" as humor can be misinterpreted. Where once I would say "no one could she this seriously, they know no one is this bad" now I know there are people like that in the world, but I still sometimes get bit by doing it.
The idea that this could happen is not wholly inconceivable. There are those who think that they represent the greater good and would do something like this. Look at the shrieking protestors calling Shapiro a Nazi while pulling fire alarms and assaulting security guards. Alternately, there are plenty of people that partake in so many mind altering substances that they hit a point where reason and logic cease to guide them and their impulse control takes a vacation. Then there are a shotload of laundry detergent consuming morons that will do anything for attention.
Exactly my point- that makes satire even harder to deduce as one can't simply say: "it must be a joke as no one would really...." as for this being believable it is very believable. As I originally said- a woman in Arizona actually did hit her husband with her car when she got mad that Obama was reelected and he didn't vote against Obama.
· 7 years ago
To be honest that story is just as believable as this story would be.
People still probably won't read this but to try and save myself having to reply a bunch more times- This is a satirical fake news site. This never happened.
· 7 years ago
Welcome to the post-factual world where people gladly believe anything they think might as well be true, especially when it supports their stereotypes.
Iceman: "Maverick, it's not your flying, it's your attitude. The enemy is dangerous, but right now you're worse. Dangerous and foolish. You may not like who's flying with you, they may not like you, but whose side are you on?"
No? You shouldn't kill someone because of their opinion?