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· 7 years ago
The "American Blueberry" has a purple/blue matte skin and yellowish/green flesh. The juice of the berry is purple and the skin contains anthocyanin, a type of natural pigment that acts as a dye. They not only turn purple inside when mashed, but also when cooked. When mashing the dye and juice are releases and stain the flesh which was many capillaries to carry pigment. When cooked the anthocyanin undergoes changes and leaches into the flesh. The color of the mashed berries is not a combination of the interior and exterior colors at all.
· 7 years ago
Thank you captain.
· 7 years ago
why is the skinned blueberry's picture from
· 7 years ago
There is no fruit that is blue in colour
· 7 years ago
In a technical sense "true blue" is very rare in plants in general for several reasons. Most "blues" fall on the purple spectrum and even "blueberries" get most of their bluish hue from the cuticle layer over the skin and not the actual skin. It's possible to breed "blue" fruits in several ways, although again, wether they are "truly blue" is open to interpretation. If we are talking of the flesh of the fruit, I know of no Fruit with true blue flesh, even those bred for "blue" skin, although I'm certain one could genetically engineer such a fruit, although it would serve questionable purpose beyond simply being blue.