So it's 35 years maximum between the two of them. One got 20 years, 13 of which are in prison and the other got 15, 6 of which are in prison. Not quite as extreme
Not necessarily, what they did was actually considered a terrorist act, they're main goal was create fear and confusion not to mention potentially scar a child for life. In my opinion they got off easy!
Seems a little harsh. They didn’t actually hurt anyone physically (at least the article didn’t say anything about it). While emotional attacks can be brutal losing your freedom for decades seems a bit much.
Again, they didn’t physically hurt anyone. I understand they brandished a gun and used racial slurs but 15 years for just threatening seems like a lot.
Threatening by actually showing up to a CHILD'S party with weapons saying they're going to kill all the black people. They didn't just write a Facebook post. They actually showed up to a place with weapons saying they were going to commit a heinous crime. Just because they didn't have a chance to actually commit it doesn't negate that.
Either way they arent in a right minds and need to be removed from the general public.
I live in Europe, and no. The approach towards immigration is different in every country but the idea of consequences for your actions is the same everywhere. Do you think that every brown person is given a bunch of Monopoly-esque "get out of jail" cards upon arrival?
Okay, then give me some statistics that crime has really significantly changed in European countries. Because most of this fearmongering are isolated events that are blown out of proportion by the media. Saying that immigrants get off easily for crimes and then presenting one exaggerated case is like saying that white dudes get off easily and present the example of Brock Turner.
The only valid source out of those is Reuters, the rest is right wing Kool-aid. And Reuters say that most crimes are done by people who used the refugee waves to get easy access into a country. If someone's such an opportunist that they try to use a horrible war in the Middle East to their own benefit, they're probably not a good person. And you can't catch everyone even if you have good vetting.
Also, what's this "the government is hiding the truth" bs? Were you writing this with a tinfoil hat on in case the reptilian Illuminati were watching?
Also, you know what's funny? Whenever there's a terror attack and the attacker is brown, conservatives automatically blame Muslims. But when the attacker is a white neoNazi, they always go with the "mentally disturbed lone wolf" narrative. How about y'all just admit that in order to try to kill many people just because they disagree with you, you have to be majorly fucked up in the head and the color of your skin or your religion don't matter?
Also, conservatives never ever mention that all terrorists so far were males. Not all terrorists in history were Muslims, but all were male. Statistically, if you want to protect your country from terrorism, shouldn't you be siding with the "kill all men" brand of feminazis?
Now, of course I don't want to blame men for terrorism at all, I'm just trying to demonstrate the hypocrisy of many conservatives. Because while you are perfectly okay with blaming all Muslims for the actions of a crazy terrorist, even mentioning that they were all men gets you triggered and you automatically go "well you can't just group us all in with the terrorists, that's sexist!" But can't you see the hypocrisy? Can't you see that grouping all Muslims in with the terrorists is just as bad?
Edited 7 years ago
· 7 years ago
She can't be argued with. Also she's a racist herself, judging by some of her past comments.
Either way they arent in a right minds and need to be removed from the general public.
"Since then, Swedish criminologists and politicians have made sure that no new statistics have been released. Not a single recent research study in Sweden has attempted to estimate the causal effect of immigration on sexual assault or homicide rates."
Good luck finding accurate "official" statistics from the governments in question; they're too busy replacing their falling native birth rates to bother with the truth.
Also, what's this "the government is hiding the truth" bs? Were you writing this with a tinfoil hat on in case the reptilian Illuminati were watching?
Also, you know what's funny? Whenever there's a terror attack and the attacker is brown, conservatives automatically blame Muslims. But when the attacker is a white neoNazi, they always go with the "mentally disturbed lone wolf" narrative. How about y'all just admit that in order to try to kill many people just because they disagree with you, you have to be majorly fucked up in the head and the color of your skin or your religion don't matter?
Now, of course I don't want to blame men for terrorism at all, I'm just trying to demonstrate the hypocrisy of many conservatives. Because while you are perfectly okay with blaming all Muslims for the actions of a crazy terrorist, even mentioning that they were all men gets you triggered and you automatically go "well you can't just group us all in with the terrorists, that's sexist!" But can't you see the hypocrisy? Can't you see that grouping all Muslims in with the terrorists is just as bad?