This happened a lot when I was younger. Not because they don't invite be, but because my house is super far away (Two hours away from school) so I really can't come with them after school and hangout, else I'll miss the bus home
This is the worst. After we moved my parents thought it was a great idea to keep me in school in the Netherlands, which was quite the burden and made me drop out of Havo because i was travelling for about 6 hours a day. I wasn't very popular to begin with but even IF I got invited to do stuff I had to be like oh no sorry I have to get the bus back to fucking Germany in 10 minutes or I'll be stuck here for the next 3 hours.
It's amazing how distance can change so much in life. I'm just glad my friends understand the troubling distance my home poses and forgive me.
· 7 years ago
Yup, happened to me all the time, and if I was invited I wound up being the brunt of all the jokes. The only time people wanted me around for any positive reason was when they needed help on things ( I was good in school and good with my hands).
· 7 years ago
I had friends make plans in front of me without inviting me more times than I care to remember.
To me all the time, single mom working from 9 (sometimes 7) to 4 gets home at 5 to cook and other stuff. I was older so I had to pick up my sister from school and was the babysitter. Didn't have money nor the free time. but can't complain 'cause it was so we could live comfortably
Yep, that’s me right now. And then the next day, they talk about said party or plans and how awesome it was right in front of me, and don’t listen to me when I say something or try to change the subject. It’s really good for the social anxiety disorder.
So I understand that this is more difficult than it is to say, but acting more confident and being funny. I used to be this guy, and sometimes I still am, but I walk with more confidence and try to be the funny guy and people generally want to have me around more. I hope that this helps
· 7 years ago
I found new friends. People get better after high school. They tend to get better the older you get, really.
· 7 years ago
I just found that as I got older I was just better at picking better people. The shitty people who do those kinds of things have a tendency to wind up isolated
Yep. One of the things that threw me right into depression after several years of feeling not good enough for even a group of "friends". Eventually I met two amazing friends who stuck it with me at all times. Even though we're in our 20s now we still check up on each other and hang out. They taught me to love myself and not base my happiness on a sole individual. I can't thank them enough.
*some of them pull this Shit off*
I have 8 friends.