Guarantee some baby boomer sitting behind his desk one day was like 'I don't understand millenials so I'm going to say something stupid and hope they roll with it'
Or you can spread deliciousness on your toast? Like Nutella or strawberry jam or even just butter! Why would you WANT to spread disgusting things like peas or avocado on things when you have nice things instead?
I like avocados :( I think it’s because it’s part of the stereotypical health movement. The things you listed are high in sugar (and fat with Nutella), and as much as I enjoy those too, avacado is better for you and plenty of people like it, so that’s why people like myself want to spread it on toast and whatever. But FUCK peas. Nasty.
quac > avocado by itself. Avacodo by itself is a great butter substitute for spreads though.
Why not add fruits (tomato), spices and veggies (in the form of peppers and onions) though?
· 7 years ago
I'd rather that my toast wasn't covered in grass flavoured mush, if I'm eating breakfast it's got to be tasty. I don't care how bad for me it is as it's going to only be a small amount.
ugh, fuck peas. I actually genuinely like avocado toast, and just eat it because of that. Seriously, I don't need to do much physique watching after all...
Why not add fruits (tomato), spices and veggies (in the form of peppers and onions) though?
*eats more avocado toast*