It is a nerf... to nerf Superman. The writers were like, kryptoboy is too powerful. We're getting sick of the Marty Stu deus ex bullshit and we need to do something about it.
"*insert super hero name* possesses power to do *a feat* because he once did *something amazing* "
These facts just keep overhyping every hero in both the Comics. Just keep exaggerating.
· 7 years ago
But you can't say that these heroes are nothing. Hawkman is also immortal(he gets reborn every time he dies) he is from Ancient Egypt and a lot more. These facts just state that what these characters are capable of,because not everyone follows comics. And knocking out Superman in one blow is more than "something amazing". It is a scale, to measure how much power he can pack in a punch. (Assuming that Superman wasn't weakened by Red Sun, Kryptonite,etc.)
I didn't. Your point is that, they exaggerate these characters by doing this. And I am saying that, they state the facts and abilities of these characters by doing so.
I would say he was like Jesus, but Jesus never ruled over an earthly nation. He's more like Moses... just an Egyptian one that keeps being reincarnated.
Side note: Moon Knight > Hawkman/Hawkgirl.
· 7 years ago
You don't need to give out that side note Man. Moon Knight is awesome and everybody knows it.
That wasn't his power though, that was the power of the claw wielded by him. That's like saying that iron man is strong enough to restrain the hulk because he had the hulk buster suit.
"Viewed as" the most powerful, but that his strictly due to the writers regularly and consistently expanding on his powers to maintain him as the most powerful being in the DC universe.
It's an incredibly cheap and unimaginative cop out to keep Marty Stu-ing him to keep him on top. Sad thing is, is that he isn't. Supes does keep getting shown up and put in his place, but both the fans and writers ignore that.
This is in complete opposition to Marvel where it doesn't matter one bit how powerful you are. You could be an Omega level mutant thay can bend the very fabric of reality itself to your will, there's always going to be someone more powerful.
There's always someone more powerful, they are going to find you and they are going to dome you a good one... and knowing Marvel, it just might be a damned talking raccoon.
That applies to everyone besides The One Above All... who has been confirmed to be the writer lol. Absolutely agree that what DC does with Supes is a stupid cop out.
These facts just keep overhyping every hero in both the Comics. Just keep exaggerating.
Side note: Moon Knight > Hawkman/Hawkgirl.
It's an incredibly cheap and unimaginative cop out to keep Marty Stu-ing him to keep him on top. Sad thing is, is that he isn't. Supes does keep getting shown up and put in his place, but both the fans and writers ignore that.
This is in complete opposition to Marvel where it doesn't matter one bit how powerful you are. You could be an Omega level mutant thay can bend the very fabric of reality itself to your will, there's always going to be someone more powerful.
There's always someone more powerful, they are going to find you and they are going to dome you a good one... and knowing Marvel, it just might be a damned talking raccoon.