Was the lesson to know your limit and don't do too much? It is extraordinarily hard to overdose on a single drug and would take absurd amounts - far above what you would need for a good high.
@sir_spiderman heroin often have different strenghts because some dealers mix it with other stuff to get more money.. and if you now are known to a specific amount and then suddenly it's not (so much) punshed..you can easy overdose. if you would have said the same about cannabis, okay. but heroin is different. i didn't take heroin in my life but it's not like you describe it.
Doubt. Why would you say, "It is extraordinarily hard to overdose on a single drug", rather than saying it is extraordinarily hard to overdose on meth?
Overdosing almost never happens when taking a single drug. It almost always happens when idiots are combining different drugs.
· 7 years ago
what? no. that's not how anything of this works q_q!!!!!
people overdose drugs because:
A) they don't know the amount they need to take & take too much
B) the drug is bad because the dealer mixed some s*it in it which don't belong into the drug (like hairspray, metallpowder, dangerous chemicals, or other sh*t)
C) the drug quality is everytime really bad and then suddenly a dealer give the person a better quality drug which then have a higher effect = boom overdosed because the person thinks it's the same amount as always, but it's not because the drug is more pure.
Or they get use to a certain dose, then go without it for a while for whatever reason. Then they use again and use the same dose they had when they had built up a tolerance. I see it all the time with relapse and addicts getting out of jail.
Obviously you can overdose on a single drug. But most cases of overdose come from idiots out partying doing every drug they see. You rarely see cases of someone only overdosing on cocaine. You see them overdosing on cocaine mixed with speed.
· 7 years ago
but i don't think that taking multiple drugs vs taking of a single drug have anything to do with overdosing or not. it's just that most people who take cocaine just like other drugs too and use them too.. but i don't think that this have to do with overdosing or not. it's just a side effect of taking drugs (taking more than one drug at the same time). example: some people take lsd and cannabis at the same time because this have another effect than if you would just consume lsd or just cannabis alone. if you mix drugs, they have differents effects.. often people see this & like it.. so they take multiple drugs at the same time. but i doubt that they overdose because they take more than one drug or the otherwise.
Its more likely to overdose when mixing because they can affect the body differently, such as mixing uppers and downers can wreak havoc on a persons heart and blood pressure, or a persons ability to breathe and get enough oxygen in their blood.
people overdose drugs because:
A) they don't know the amount they need to take & take too much
B) the drug is bad because the dealer mixed some s*it in it which don't belong into the drug (like hairspray, metallpowder, dangerous chemicals, or other sh*t)
C) the drug quality is everytime really bad and then suddenly a dealer give the person a better quality drug which then have a higher effect = boom overdosed because the person thinks it's the same amount as always, but it's not because the drug is more pure.
etc etc..