We don't remove reposts if they're on popular page
· 7 years ago
you guys did remove my posts several times (even if some of them where on the popular page). if you guys remove specific posts because they are reposts, then please do it equal to every posting who are reposts - not just a few of them. if you don't treat every repost equal, the whole agb / ruleset is for the toilet.
Would you rather we blindly remove every post that user complains about??
· 7 years ago
no, but how about take action to every post equal? not just remove some posts because the rules, and then do the opposite with postings who do the same as postings who GOT removed. if i'm a admin, and define rules, i need to use these rules on every post equal, otherwise the rules are nothing worth. if the admins & mods don't use the rules on ALL postings & act the same with postings, it's just crap. thats like you would remove postings from strangers who post stuff who are against the rules, but if your best friend post postings who are too against the rules.. you don't remove this postings. it's not a nice feeling if you know as a user that not every user is equal here on FS.. it looks rly random what the admins / mod's do. some postings get removed, others not (even if they are against the rules).. it's just pure random. thats the part where it get's bad. and if the admins & mods then begin to make stuff up like "we don't remove postings if they are on popular", but you experienced
Edited 7 years ago
· 7 years ago
exactly this stuff from yourself.. this just make it look like the admins and mods just don't care about their users & what they think about them. it seems like you guys just do what every the f*ck you guys want. changing rules if you want and stuff. take action equal to posting wayne from which user it comes. wayne how much likes it have. otherwise your rules are worthless.
Edited 7 years ago
· 7 years ago
@Zeus by the way -> you say "we don't remove postings who got to popular".. does this mean if i would post pornographic content, and it would get to popular..that it would stay there & would not get removed? if yes, you guys should rly overthink your rules. just sayin.
Firstly, your whole argument about us not following rules is already wrong. Secondly you're using false information about what we do to state your argument. Thridly you do not know enough about what we delete. Fourthly you are fabricating hypothetical scenarios about how you think we would behave. You entire argument is off point. Lastly you are one of the many people who think that we only delete your post and no one else's. Which as you can see is a logically ridiculous statement.
· 7 years ago
1) i didn't say "you guys only delete my content", thats just not correct.
2) a while ago, i had another account. with this account i had posted a repost by accident & this posting got to popular page. this posting got deleted & i got a warning for this. now with this account i'm writing this message now, you said after i reported another repost from another user "we don't remove reposts who get to popular page". so basicly you say now stuff, but did the exact opposite of that in the past. so whats the reason for that? i mean.. if you have such a rule (popular=not removing), then you should not removed posts who got to popular, but you did in the past. multiple times. not just my content, but too other content from other users.
3) you didn't answer my question. what would happen if someone post pornographic content, and then it would get to popular. would you remove it, or not? because if yes, you would do something you said you don't do. answer please this question.
Quote of the Rules of FS:
"Do not post content that have been posted before to the best of your knowledge."
"If you see anyone breaking the rules, please use the Report User link in their profile so that we can take action."
And i did exactly this - reported a repost. I needed to report this repost like 5 days in a row (1x a day) till i even get a response from an admin. and you know what the response was? "we don't remove reposts if they reach popular". (the day of my first report it didn't was on popular)
that's basicly a rule you can't find on the Rule-Page of FS, it's basicly a made-up rule from you guys. basicly a "f*ck you, we do what we want". or in other words - you guys don't follow your own rules you have created. follow your own rules or remove the rules completly, because they are worthless then.
Edited 7 years ago
· 7 years ago
The funny Part about this whole thing is.. the first day i reported the repost, nothing happend. my report got ignored (the repost had just a few likes, was on the new tab). the second day, it got ignored too. the 3 and 4. day my report got ignored too. FIRST after the repost got to the popular & i did another report of the same post, i got the answer "we don't remove post who got to popular". so basicly my reports got ignored, and you guys waited till the post got on popular so you didn't had to remove the reported post. thats just a di*k move. it's really annoying what you / your team does. thats not how you should interact with your community. not at all.
If you don't know already, we've remove many pornographic content, marketing content, troll and and spam content etc. Many! But you wouldn't know because we don't announce this to everybody. When I received the first report, it was already in popular page. This has happened many times, but you wouldn't know because we don't announce this to everyone. Just look through old posts and you'll see. Let's face it, we can't please everyone. If we delete every reposts (which we used to in the past), we get many complaints that "my post is not a repost", "why do you only delete my post" etc. Which is why we are more careful to delete reposts now. It's just too bad that in doing so we've offended you. I'm sure @spinnin wouldn't be too happy if I deleted his post. So who should he blame? Me or you?
· 7 years ago
1) it's clear to me that you guys remove many pornographic content etc. it's just weird if a repost gets ignored for days, and then after 5 days you get a response like that. my first repost happend when the posting had just 50-100 likes. it was on the new tab, not popular. it just got there in the few days after i reported it. if you got the report first after the post was on popular, there is something wrong in your system. the first time i reported it, the post had like 50-100 likes, nothing more. it was posted a fewhours ago @ my first report. but it just got ignored. so if you say to me that you just saw the report after it got to popular, there is clearly something wrong.
2) it's okay if you don't remove any post. but then please apply the rules to every post equal. don't random remove some posts and others not. i posted a few times a post which was a repost without me knowing it, it got many likes.. and then.. BOOM you guys removed it. that would be okay.. if every repost..
Edited 7 years ago
· 7 years ago
... would get removed equal. you can't say me that you guys remove some reposts, and some others not.. that's just weird. if you have rules (which you guys have), then apply them. or mention as an example that postings which have a specific amount of likes don't get removed so the users know this. there is no where a single word about this on the rules page or on another place here on fs. the users just getting to know that by get removed one of their postings OR like me if they report a repost and nothing happens. you guys really should communicate this stuff more.. so it would be more clear based on what you guys take action. it's just feel wrong if some users get punished, and others not.. even if they all do the same.
We can't be online and checking reports 24/7. Sometimes posts move to popular within a few hours. We don't like repost too. And we hate when people degraded the quality of fs. We just try our best. It's just unfortunate you have a different view on this matter. But as we see it, if the popular vote says allow that repost, then we go with it because most people are happy with it. And practically, no one bothers to read the rules. There's no point trying to educate the users on this. They will just learn from experience, trust me.
· 7 years ago
no one saids you need to be online 24/7. but i think you get reports in a list.. and if you came online, you should see the reports who came in over the day.. or not? so basicly, you should see every report who goes in into your systems over the day. even if you don't see it on the first day, you should see it on the second day. or the 3.. or 4.. but don't just ignore it. first after i send 5 reports (1 every day), i got a response from you guys. there is not much trouble / action in FS who would make that you could oversee reports.. after 2-3 days you should see the reports. and you guys did after 5 days. so it can't be too hard to find reports who came in. the post didn't even was on popular after the 2. day if i remember right.. so you guys had a few days to see the report & remove the repost. but my report got ignored. in other cases where i did a repost the post got removed mostly after 20minutes..every time. so i think you guys are really fast in remove stuff & read reports
Edited 7 years ago
· 7 years ago
every time something is wrong, mostly you guys are really fast in removing / punish users for that, everyone can see this.. but for my report it took you guys 5 days & 5 reports.. and then you didn't even apply the rules of FS to that repost. thats what make me feel bad about that.. because it really looks random how the support team / admins work.
p.s: you can't really say "the users gonna learn what the rules are by experience".. whats so hard about just UPDATE the rule page? there is a special htmlsite with the rules.. why you don't update this site? the rule "repost+popular=no remove" should be a while old now.. there are many reposts over the years, so this rule is intern "normal" i think.. why dont update the rule page then? so users know this? don't just let your users running into this rules without them knowing them by accident.. thats just bad communication.
I saw the first report, and didn't feel the need to give you an explanation why the post shouldn't be deleted. We don't have the time for that. we get many reports per day. I only gave you response because you kept at it. If you wanted a response you should have asked more directly at the start.
· 7 years ago
my thought on that was "you guys ignore my report even if this post is against the rules? fine. then i gonna report it day for day till i don't get ignored by you guys". and it worked after 5 days. whats so hard about answer with a single phrase on the report? like after the second report? i mean.. it is your job to take action on reports & punish rule breaking posts. so it would be your job basicly to take action on reports (like answer to reports if they are wrong in your mind so the user know that). + you should keep the rules up-to-date.. not think "the users gonna experience the rules by breaking them without knowing them over times, it's fine" or something like that. if the goverment would make secrets rules and apply them on their people without the people knowing the rules, it would be just chaos..
We don't have time to respond to tens of reports everyday. If you want a response, use the contact form.
· 7 years ago
you don't need to respond to every report. But if you see that you get 2 or 3 reports from the same user for the same post you could respond to that instead of ignore it. (Not first after 5 reports after 5 days)
Well then I'm sorry I can't remember the hundreds of people who have reported. I will try to improve my memory if that makes you happy.
· 7 years ago
if it really have this much reports every day, you should get more moderators who can handle this much reports & split the reports. if you get too much reports and can't handle them, you have a problem & need to fix that. (and update the rule page & add ALL rules you have so every user know whats up, just sayin)
Everyone who makes typo is an idiot who doesn't know what they are talking about? Thank you for your very valuable feedback... But of course I don't really know what I'm saying...
Since you guys are going to start criticizing me personally instead of resolving any misunderstanding, I see no point in trying to clear this up anymore.
LOL the good old your grammar is wrong maneuver. Looks like it worked hahaha! Is the battle finally over?
· 7 years ago
@shiftingsands thanks for ruin a conversation with @Zeus . no one gives a damn if someone is making a typing error.. i too make these and my english is bad.. so what? everyone make spelling errors sometimes. thats not a big deal. stop to argue like that, this don't get us anywhere. it's just dumb to argue like that.
Stoooop! What's with all the hate. What did I ever do to you guys? I didn't know it was a repost until it reached popular. My posts have been deleted before so its not like I suck his balls to get favouritism or something.
· 7 years ago
no one said you do, it's just weird that sometimes posts who are against the rules get deleted, and sometimes not. it's really random & thats annoying. if we have rules, they should use this rules equal to every posting, not random "yeah on this post we apply the rules, and on this.. not". thats just annoying. if not even the admins & moderators follow their own rules, why the user should? it's basicly just a random decision if a post gets deleted or not - atleast it looks like that if you look at what the admins and mods do.
You can't be rigid and follow everything strictly. We don't have a book covering all possible scenarios. Even in law, judges still decide the punishment. So what happens if someone causes a nuisance that is not cover in our rules? Do we have to keep updating the rules and announce it to everyone? Do we do nothing because it's not in our rules? Or do we use our better judgment to keep the peace in FunSubstance? What would you have done? Who do you listen to? What if he's offended?
so, you keep peace in FunSubstance by randomly punish some users who repost stuff, and other users don't get punished even if they break rules? do you think to do stuff like this keeps peace? it's not. the users feeling bad because that. we are all users of this community, and if some users don't get punished if they break the rules, this just don't feel right. we are ALL equal. so everyone should get punished if they break rules, or they should all get NOT punished. but not random.
p.s: what if I AM offended because the admins remove my (and other) reposts, but not reposts from other users? did you maybe think a minute about that?
Edited 7 years ago
· 7 years ago
@spinnin don't worry, it's not about you specific. it's about what the admins / moderators do (and what not). it just happend that you where in the wrong place on the wrong time. i don't have anything against you, don't worry please.
I don't know why you keep saying "randomly". Show me the list of users I give special treatment to. And like I said before, different scenarios, different treatment. Again, like I said before, someone is going to be offended, too bad it's you. Otherwise it's just going to be someone else. If I'm not having this argument with you, I'll just be trying to explain why I'm giving you special treatment. Period. We have to pick a side. Too bad you're in the other side
· 7 years ago
i didn't say that specific users get special treatment. i said that sometimes rule-breaking posts get punished, and sometimes it seems like the admin / mods say to themself "meh" and just ignore the rule-breaking. some posts who break the rules get removed, some not.. random. there are no "special users" who get a extra treatment.. but there are random acts of removing posts who break the rules or ignoring of rule-breaking.
Blindly following the rules is just laziness and ignorance.
· 7 years ago
rules are there to follow them. if the admins & mods don't even follow their own rules, then why the users should? if you have 2 reposts.. and you then remove one repost, but the other don't.. that's just dumb. this is not "different scenarios", both postings are reposts, but just a single one of them get punished.. and the other get ignored. do you call this good? do you think users feel equal & good by this? you want peace in this community, but your actions don't represent that.
You only have the outside view, not the inside view. You're making judgment with insufficient perspective. You would see things differently when you know what we know. These "random" punishments are not as random as you think.
· 7 years ago
Yeah? So tell me more. Why some of my reposts as an example got removed, and other reposts here on fs not? You have the inside view, so tell me. I would like to have more informations about that.
don't your system have a overview for every user where you can read which post got removed & posted by this user you are looking at? or even similiar stuff? i mean.. there must be some overview for the action you did as an admin / mod.. or not?
@cycy we only store them for a short period. But you claim that it was a long time ago.
@shiftingsands Not even Google or Microsoft have 100% accurate AI. Let me know when you've developed something better.
· 7 years ago
@zeus if your system just store them for a specific amount of time, that's no wonder. but it's sad that i can't even look at notifications who are older than a week. but yeah, okay. then it's to a specific amount the systems fault (because it's designed like that).
2) a while ago, i had another account. with this account i had posted a repost by accident & this posting got to popular page. this posting got deleted & i got a warning for this. now with this account i'm writing this message now, you said after i reported another repost from another user "we don't remove reposts who get to popular page". so basicly you say now stuff, but did the exact opposite of that in the past. so whats the reason for that? i mean.. if you have such a rule (popular=not removing), then you should not removed posts who got to popular, but you did in the past. multiple times. not just my content, but too other content from other users.
3) you didn't answer my question. what would happen if someone post pornographic content, and then it would get to popular. would you remove it, or not? because if yes, you would do something you said you don't do. answer please this question.
"Do not post content that have been posted before to the best of your knowledge."
"If you see anyone breaking the rules, please use the Report User link in their profile so that we can take action."
And i did exactly this - reported a repost. I needed to report this repost like 5 days in a row (1x a day) till i even get a response from an admin. and you know what the response was? "we don't remove reposts if they reach popular". (the day of my first report it didn't was on popular)
that's basicly a rule you can't find on the Rule-Page of FS, it's basicly a made-up rule from you guys. basicly a "f*ck you, we do what we want". or in other words - you guys don't follow your own rules you have created. follow your own rules or remove the rules completly, because they are worthless then.
2) it's okay if you don't remove any post. but then please apply the rules to every post equal. don't random remove some posts and others not. i posted a few times a post which was a repost without me knowing it, it got many likes.. and then.. BOOM you guys removed it. that would be okay.. if every repost..
p.s: you can't really say "the users gonna learn what the rules are by experience".. whats so hard about just UPDATE the rule page? there is a special htmlsite with the rules.. why you don't update this site? the rule "repost+popular=no remove" should be a while old now.. there are many reposts over the years, so this rule is intern "normal" i think.. why dont update the rule page then? so users know this? don't just let your users running into this rules without them knowing them by accident.. thats just bad communication.
p.s: what if I AM offended because the admins remove my (and other) reposts, but not reposts from other users? did you maybe think a minute about that?
@shiftingsands Not even Google or Microsoft have 100% accurate AI. Let me know when you've developed something better.