There is a channel on YouTube called Tierzoo that categorizes animals in rpg terms.
· 7 years ago
For example: humans and crocodiles are S tier, crows and gorillas are A tier, moose and elephants are B tier, deer and sperm whales are C tier, rhinos and snakes are D tier, and frogs and cheetahs are F tier. All dinosaurs are S tier in one way or another.
Most people over say.. 35 .. would know that. It was what you used to check that a typewriter was functioning. Under that age I doubt most people have ever used one.
Has nobody ever downloaded fonts or what? That sentence is still used to test every characters.
In French it's another sentence that not only uses every letters but every accents (so that adds é è ê ë à â ô ö u ù ü ç œ, etc.)
If a Giraffes neck bones were so damn big, they would pass out every time they bent over to drink due to the massive amounts of blood flowing to their brain
90% of the world’s sturgeon live in the Caspian Sea.
Dolph Lundgren is a Rhodes Scholar.
The singer for Offspring has a PhD in molecular biology.
Eye floaters are called myodesopsia but there is no official medical term for a booger.
Tomatoes are fruit.
In French it's another sentence that not only uses every letters but every accents (so that adds é è ê ë à â ô ö u ù ü ç œ, etc.)
Dolph Lundgren is a Rhodes Scholar.
The singer for Offspring has a PhD in molecular biology.
Eye floaters are called myodesopsia but there is no official medical term for a booger.
Tomatoes are fruit.