Fucking hate those pieces of shit that do that petty ass shit just to get back at their husbands, go choke on a dick an die bitch how the fuck you gonna go and psychologically damage your children cause you can't fucking get over something
I read this 10 minutes ago and had to come back because it made me so angry growing up in a single father household I cannot stand woman that do this that will mistreat their ex husbands and use them for their own personal gain not caring if they ruin the mans life or career ugh I can't stand this garbage
I don't know what angers me more.
This fictional woman's behavior, or the writer trying to act like it was all about her.
I've been on the receiving end of this, although relatively briefly, thank GOD. If you want split custody of your kids, you'll get split custody of your kids. Barring, of course, being a drug abuser or violent or something.
My point is just that "If you want split custody of your kids, you'll get split custody of your kids." might not have applied so much when this story took place.
This fictional woman's behavior, or the writer trying to act like it was all about her.
I've been on the receiving end of this, although relatively briefly, thank GOD. If you want split custody of your kids, you'll get split custody of your kids. Barring, of course, being a drug abuser or violent or something.