Go ahead and downthumb this cuz it doesn't fit your worldview.
When things don't seem to go your way you default to basic pew-pew.
Give lip service to the Christian Thing, but that's not what you aspire to.
You'd rather judge your fellow man and fling at him your doo-doo.
ima be honest I don't like eminem's raps. I can't follow the rhyme pattern and it throws my internal rhythm off when I try and listen.
Also I just hate rap as a general rule.
There's that whole saying that if you don't speak out against hate you support it, I'm not gonna say he actually supports racism specifically, cause I don't think he cares that much, however when anyone in power (or running) has the outspoken support of numerous known hate groups and doesn't condemn those supporters it does throw up some red flags, at least I'd hope, but obviously not so much
Edited 7 years ago
· 7 years ago
I, again, think his dislike for said groups should go without saying.
Like, okay, cause assumptions make the world go round, but I was mainly stating why people think he's racist, since he seems to have something to say about a lot of stuff, but never that
When things don't seem to go your way you default to basic pew-pew.
Give lip service to the Christian Thing, but that's not what you aspire to.
You'd rather judge your fellow man and fling at him your doo-doo.
Also I just hate rap as a general rule.
The shocks continue to roll in...
It should go without saying, but you know, political dissent is a crime these days.
But I'm glad that at least you don't "think" he's supporting racism.