I'm all for criminalizing drugs. That being said i feel that there should be a fine line between how much you can carry at once. If you carry more than a certain amount of lets say marijuana then you should receive a prison sentence whereas if its less then you should receive a fine.
I don't understand why people say "oh well shit weed ain't bad" bullshit it's not bad. It's a mind altering substance. Maybe for better or worse we still don't know AFAIK but it certainly isn't something you should be on for the majority of your waking hours.
Marijuana should be on the same legal status as alcohol. It should only be done in legal locations, such as bars, and in the privacy of your home. There's no reason that weed should be illegal at this point.
Maybe it's the casualness that which people approach weed that I hate. If I was casual about my heroin usage you can bet that people'd be all up in arms.
The problem is that people seem to want to treat weed as a better alternative to cigarettes but the difference is that cigarettes are casually smoked in a car whereas marijuana shouldnt be and so thats a huge issue where something "less harmful" would be more restricted than something "more harmful".
Welcome to my life. But that last comment was in total seriousness. Lungs are sensitive and inhaling really hot particles isn't good for them regardless of its composition: steam, smoke, whatever vape fluid is, or match-fumes.
And I figured out you could inhale the smoke from a just-lit match and breathe out the smoke in a little puff but now I have this odd burning sensation in my throat.
I'm not disagreeing with you but people do shit harmful to their well-being regardless because of the addictive nature of the substances but for many it's a way to escape their stresses in life. I don't agree with it but so long as they do it privately and without harming others then i have no problem with it as it's there lives that they're fucking up.
An additional factor is the attitude druggies have towards drugs. Even if they they do it in their dark room with triple locks and a dead man's trap so nobody can see them doing it, even if they get the world's most expensive cleaning system so nobody can smell it, if their attitude towards drugs is "lol drugs" it's still really bad because it's an indication that drugs aren't really so bad because hey this guy here can do it with a smile and a laugh.
If someone wants to fuck up there lives with a smile and a laugh then let them. If someone gets convinced by peer pressure or seeing someone else "have fun" and they get addicted it's on both of them. Peer pressure only goes as far as you let it.
Rough idea, but I'm just spitballing here.
And I figured out you could inhale the smoke from a just-lit match and breathe out the smoke in a little puff but now I have this odd burning sensation in my throat.