The terrifying thing is that it is 21 men in a week from this topic. 21 is huge - it's almost the amount of students in a class. That many men - in only Australia - in a single week due to this is so sad. :(
Not only an australian problem. My boyfriend suffers from this as well. Because mothers are almost always in preference of custody. By default. And I think that's wrong. Both mother and father should be viewed equally, and custody determined by tests and such.
Okay, first of all, no. And you are doing a tremendous disservice to men who need helpwith this bullshit. This is an adult version of 13 Reasons Why, and fuck this shit. Men commit suicide because they have underlying depression or issues and CAN'T GET HELP. Do you know why? Because some asshole looks at them and goes "You know what's wrong with Frank? No, not depression. Pfft, depression is for weak people. No, it's that damn family court system, stopping Frank from feeling like a real man and doing his manly duties." Fuck that. Frank doesn't need custody or visitation if he's at this point, you know what Frank needs? Support and intervention. Frank needs people to help him get get to a point where he's okay again and won't hang himself while his kids are in the house, not fucktards saying "know what suicides are good for? Marketing."
Bruh.....if there's a writen sucide note that tell you they killed themselves because they couldn't see their child due to custody issues....its pretty safe to say thats the reason.
I don't think you know very much about suicide if you think so. Mentally healthy people don't commit suicide, they cobtinue fighting for custody and if they lose then they wait for their kids to hit 18 and try to mend bridges. If you wake up one morning and see literally no bright spots in your life and decide to kill yourself then custody may be a contributing trigger but it is NOT the reason. And if somebody has no bright spots in their life, you don't want to trust them with children. Men and women both commit murder suicide on their kids because they're in a dark place where suicide is any kind of answer.
I vehemently disagree with just about everything you just said. First off, women commit infanticide exponentially higher rate then men. Also men get screwed over by divorce courts and clearly the statistic isn't about suicide for men in general but specifically for men who commit suicide because they have little to no contact with their kids.
I didn't say "men might kill their kids." I said that people MALE AND FEMALE who are in a place where suicide is a valid answer for them may be at a higher risk of taking the kids with them. And again...nobody is going to wake up and say "I'm going to kill myself because I can't see my kids" if they are emotionally stable. Those ones that do are not doing it STRICTLY because they can't see their kids. Know why? IF YOU COMMIT SUICIDE YOU SCAR YOUR CHILDREN AND THEY NEVER SEE YOU AGAIN. You are NOT rationally realizing this if you are considering suicide, if you're considering suicide you are in a VERY dark place. You're thinking about YOU, about YOUR pain. A judgement against you may be a trigger, but it isn't an underlying reason or cause. This ad takes men and says "males are 2 dimensional, stupid, and not complex. Divorce courts hurt their feelings and they kill themselves, case closed."
I think this is an actual thing because as you say, men can commit suicide because of depression not from being denied the right to se their child. Not seeing their child could cause depression
Of those 21 a week we have no idea which were denied on bias or short staffing and which were legitimately unfit. It's still a tragedy. By killing themselves they create a self fulfilling prophecy in which they show selfish, unstable, destructive behavior waiting for the right set of triggers. They need support, council, and maybe medication. If they seek those however they then fall victim to societies prejudice against those who seek mental help. Catch 22. The only option is to keep fighting. If you love your kids don't give up no matter the cost. If you kill yourself you'll never see them at all, and they will grow up without you completely, thinking you abandoned them because things were tough. Get help, worry about stigma when you have your strength back and can fight. Always fight, never give up. Suicide is not an option. Life isn't fair, so fight for what you want out of it. You may not have the life you want but you'll have the one you made. Show them you care by being there.
Because the current law in Australia is that custody cases start with 50/50 custody between parents and are altered based on the best interests of the child