Art in my opinion, If it is something made to appeal the eyes of someone, and not just to spray your "tag" then I can see the beauty in it
· 7 years ago
I’m super late but some people see beauty in tags, I’m not sure how I feel about them but some tags look pretty cool. But I’m not a fan of tagging private property
art it isn't just some mindless graffiti it is something someone has taken the time to think it over and used their imagination to crate something interesting and sometimes thought provoking
Unless it was commissioned, it's graffiti. You wouldn't like it if someone tattooed your body without your permission, even if they think it looks neat. I can't believe this is even a question...
Don't have permission? Don't do it. Spray painting, tattoos, sex, taking something that isn't yours... Unless you have a yes, the answer is NO.
Don't have permission? Don't do it. Spray painting, tattoos, sex, taking something that isn't yours... Unless you have a yes, the answer is NO.