I love the idea that the unspoken implication is that "peachypersimmon" believes that dressing up as the Taliban is ok given the zealous denunciation of dressing up as a Nazi whilst being wholly unperturbed by the Taliban comment.
This is, of course, ludicrous and I'm sure peachy here would also condemn dressing up as a radical right wing of any nationality.
As I said, "oeachy would also condemn dressing up as a radical right wing of any nationality" as the taliban is a right wing group of a certain nationality. So in essense I said "Peachy would condemn dressing up as the taliban"
I fail to see the miscommunication truth be told.
Additionally, Vikings were a whole rac of people, not an extremist group limited to a certain faction at a certain time. Vikings spanned centuries and decades of peacefully farming their own land and fighting each other. You may as well call Romans terrorists.
Pirates, more to the point, are by definition outlaws, however some of them were contractually engaged by official powers.
So in a sence, both pirates and vikings are more morale than taliban or nazi's.
· 7 years ago
If you use terror to spread your belief/way of living/ ideology then.. Yeah. The Romans kind of were...same with the vikings and saxons.
If it weren't for the safety thing, I'd say dress as them now. Show them we're not afraid. Ha! You call yourself a terrorist, our kids dress up like you for Halloween and we all find it hilarious. However please do not do this because it isn't political correct and you might also go to jail.
Pirates used to kill people and sell other captives as slaves. They screwed with our merchant shipping so much, demanding ransom to stop, that the US Marines had to go put a stop to it (shores of Tripoli). But now pirates are romanticized and kids dress as that for Halloween. Witches were feared and thought to be Satan worshippers. So why not think that kids of the (not even distant) future will know little about Nazis or Taliban? I can imagine the history teacher of 2040 having to hear, "Like OMG, like when are we even ever going to like use this stuff? Is it, like, going to be on the, like, test?"
(I'm also presuming that heavy use of "like" will be standard by then.)
Illegal sugar but it's still sugar
This is, of course, ludicrous and I'm sure peachy here would also condemn dressing up as a radical right wing of any nationality.
I fail to see the miscommunication truth be told.
Additionally, Vikings were a whole rac of people, not an extremist group limited to a certain faction at a certain time. Vikings spanned centuries and decades of peacefully farming their own land and fighting each other. You may as well call Romans terrorists.
Pirates, more to the point, are by definition outlaws, however some of them were contractually engaged by official powers.
So in a sence, both pirates and vikings are more morale than taliban or nazi's.
(I'm also presuming that heavy use of "like" will be standard by then.)