You don't reply "Fuck you, bitch" after complimenting someone. You do it to someone who doesn't react to negging (negative fake compliments to 'egg on a bitch') because she didn't react the way you wanted her to.
· 8 years ago
Have you ever watched the Addams Family? This is something her family would totally do
They're not giving her a compliment, they are being annoying. Women - and people in general - don't want to be judged by random dickheads. Really, who cares to know that (s)he would be prettier if (s)he smiled ? Answer : Nobody. So, they deserve this payback.
"You'd be a lot prettier if you smiled"
*gets no response*
"Fuck you goth bitch"
That is not a compliment. And it was said before that it's Wednesday Addams and that is exactly how you would expect her to react.
It's just a sketch at the end of the day, I don't know why you're talking this to heart.
But the guys she brought aren't going to do anything to the other guys...just do what they did to her: catccall her, comment on her body, describe ways theyd like to fuck. Unless of course you mean that there's something wrong with that???
Reminds me of South Park when they're not allowed to hunt endangered species unless they're going to kill them so they shout "IT'S COMING RIGHT FOR US!" and shoot it.
Edited 8 years ago
· 8 years ago
Yeah that is but anyone could use it as an excuse (I know I would lol)
1. Florida isn't part of the real world.
2. If it was, stand your ground would apply for her, too.
3. Are you really going to kill someone over your "feelings"? And supposedly liberals are the snowflakes.
You're making up scenarios that have nothing to do with the post. They're going to be on the sidewalk paying compliments, the exact same thing she had to deal with.
Your argument appears to be that you, and possibly they, are more easily scared than this girl, and will resort to violence because you can't take what you dish out. If that's the case, might I suggest keeping that sort of thing to yourself. You're making yourself look like a sissy.
I've already pointed out that you're creating a scenario not pictured in the post. I've already pointed out that the same situation applies to her, but she's "overreacting" while it's perfectly ok for the guys to murder over it.
You're obviously out of arguments, what with personally attacking myself and my kids, which honestly says something about you.
If you must know, I didn't crop that picture. That's how it ended up when I uploaded it. I ALMOST put it up in "FSers" when I noticed what happened, but at the time, nearly all of the old, good FSers were gone, and the few that were left already knew my face.
You're not worried for their well-being. You want to be seen as caring, when what you really are is someone with such a fragile worldview that you're not above insulting innocent KIDS in order to get their father to stop engaging you in conversation. Online, no less. So scary...
*sigh* More insults...
If you really ARE worried about my reading comprehension and the time you are spending, you wouldn't waste half of your commenting with that unnecessary stuff.
Your scenario is off topic, and even if you think murder is a legally defensible response there, the same defense can be applied with her. She's in the same position. She can't know if they mean her harm, and to boot she's physically weaker and outnumbered.
I know you thought you were just going to act like a big man online and boast about how you'd shoot them "in self-defense" *wink wink*, but I think what it boils down to is that the thought of being in her shoes frightens you to your core. You hypocritically defend your right to murder in that circumstance to overcompensate for your fears, while simultaneously calling her non-lethal response "far over the top".
It's past my bedtime. Let me know if I'm in the ballpark. No rush, though. :D
These mental gymnastics, while previously amusing, are starting to wear thin.
You and the original guest seem to be the only ones confused after a day, both having misinterpreted the "body parts" statement in a more violent way than "hey baby, I'd like to put your blank in my blank", even after she stated that there's no need to call the cops because "most forms of verbal assault are legal". A reasonable person would conclude from that that she and the men in her employ don't intend any physical harm.
Unless there are any lawyers or judges in our midst, I'm comfortable leaving it at that.
Context is key.
He's going to be treating those young men as they treated the young lady. That's the ENTIRE POINT of what she's doing. So they'll understand their own actions. (Edit: Here's MY assumption, it's also so they'll stop doing this to women. Why would the four of them throw their lives away and rot in prison or worse just to teach a few douchebags a lesson???)
ANY reasonable person would understand this.
By your logic, NOBODY can prove they won't hurt you. What a world you must live in...
If I can't know their intent, how can anyone, including you?
OBVIOUSLY this isn't a normal response. That doesn't automatically mean the other party intends physical harm. (Also, it's a tv show)
Your entire argument relies on so many assumptions, which you are using to rationalize murder.
You know what, let's agree to disagree. Get a free consultation with a local lawyer if you're certain you'd be in the right legally, morally, etc. I wash my hands of this.
Because your points are irrelevant and unrelated. This is Wednesday Addams, this has been pointed out multiple times. You didn't get the joke at first, and now you have proceeded to suck out every ounce of fun of it with your ridiculous scenarios.
Edited 8 years ago
· 8 years ago
You are both correct. @drazil If feeling threatened to a certain degree (i.e that your life is in immediate danger) you have to right to stand your ground but @matthewg is correct that your arguements are based on hypothetical situations which are more extreme than just a simple insult and therefore you cannot just shoot someone because you feel slightly threatened.
Tbh it just shows what kind of a person the cat caller is by his terrible and immature reaction. It's a good thing she didn't respond. If I get cat called I just flip them the bird rather than ignoring them.
Edited 8 years ago
· 8 years ago
If a guy insulted me cus I ignored his cat call/flipped him off I'd go ape at him. I give as good as I get.
*gets no response*
"Fuck you goth bitch"
That is not a compliment. And it was said before that it's Wednesday Addams and that is exactly how you would expect her to react.
It's just a sketch at the end of the day, I don't know why you're talking this to heart.
Have a lovely day
If you're offended, the nearest "safe space" is thattaway.
2. If it was, stand your ground would apply for her, too.
3. Are you really going to kill someone over your "feelings"? And supposedly liberals are the snowflakes.
Your argument appears to be that you, and possibly they, are more easily scared than this girl, and will resort to violence because you can't take what you dish out. If that's the case, might I suggest keeping that sort of thing to yourself. You're making yourself look like a sissy.
I've already pointed out that you're creating a scenario not pictured in the post. I've already pointed out that the same situation applies to her, but she's "overreacting" while it's perfectly ok for the guys to murder over it.
You're obviously out of arguments, what with personally attacking myself and my kids, which honestly says something about you.
If you must know, I didn't crop that picture. That's how it ended up when I uploaded it. I ALMOST put it up in "FSers" when I noticed what happened, but at the time, nearly all of the old, good FSers were gone, and the few that were left already knew my face.
You're not worried for their well-being. You want to be seen as caring, when what you really are is someone with such a fragile worldview that you're not above insulting innocent KIDS in order to get their father to stop engaging you in conversation. Online, no less. So scary...
If you really ARE worried about my reading comprehension and the time you are spending, you wouldn't waste half of your commenting with that unnecessary stuff.
Your scenario is off topic, and even if you think murder is a legally defensible response there, the same defense can be applied with her. She's in the same position. She can't know if they mean her harm, and to boot she's physically weaker and outnumbered.
I know you thought you were just going to act like a big man online and boast about how you'd shoot them "in self-defense" *wink wink*, but I think what it boils down to is that the thought of being in her shoes frightens you to your core. You hypocritically defend your right to murder in that circumstance to overcompensate for your fears, while simultaneously calling her non-lethal response "far over the top".
It's past my bedtime. Let me know if I'm in the ballpark. No rush, though. :D
You and the original guest seem to be the only ones confused after a day, both having misinterpreted the "body parts" statement in a more violent way than "hey baby, I'd like to put your blank in my blank", even after she stated that there's no need to call the cops because "most forms of verbal assault are legal". A reasonable person would conclude from that that she and the men in her employ don't intend any physical harm.
Unless there are any lawyers or judges in our midst, I'm comfortable leaving it at that.
He's going to be treating those young men as they treated the young lady. That's the ENTIRE POINT of what she's doing. So they'll understand their own actions. (Edit: Here's MY assumption, it's also so they'll stop doing this to women. Why would the four of them throw their lives away and rot in prison or worse just to teach a few douchebags a lesson???)
ANY reasonable person would understand this.
By your logic, NOBODY can prove they won't hurt you. What a world you must live in...
If I can't know their intent, how can anyone, including you?
OBVIOUSLY this isn't a normal response. That doesn't automatically mean the other party intends physical harm. (Also, it's a tv show)
Your entire argument relies on so many assumptions, which you are using to rationalize murder.
You know what, let's agree to disagree. Get a free consultation with a local lawyer if you're certain you'd be in the right legally, morally, etc. I wash my hands of this.
Tbh it just shows what kind of a person the cat caller is by his terrible and immature reaction. It's a good thing she didn't respond. If I get cat called I just flip them the bird rather than ignoring them.