Oh, here in Germany people with a background of migration are feeding our social programs with€ p.a. by taxes, whilst the minority of migrants with no jobs are taking only as much as 34.000.000 from them. And all of this with a history of refugees coming to our country in numbers around 1.000.000 p.a. in the 90's, today the peak was in 2013, when 650.000 came in (and were allowed to stay). Check the figures and come back.
Europe Needs immigrants who want to work and contribute to society via the value they create and via taxes, and also want to assimilate into the local culture. Nobody needs immigrants who want to come and just rest in the welfare hammock and bring the culture of the craphole that they are supposedly fleeing. (Like the bulk of the Middle East "refugees")
Some will stay and fight, some will go contribute to another country's economy. Both are brave, though not equally so. What would you do? No, what would you actually do? I ask you for the truth.
I would pick up a rifle and fight for my fucking country. I'm all for accepting women and children, but the men need to stay and fight. Have they no shame? Hell if half the fighting age men who fled like cowards had stayed and fought, the fighting might be over by now.
If someone is beheading your neighbors, or otherwise executing and attacking them, for no other reason than being the wrong kind of Muslim, or for not being Muslim, or for whatever reason, and you run, instead of joining the resistance, that is cowardly. Call me a chauvanist, but I think it's especially cowardly when there are women fighting, with the risk of rape and torture should they be captured, and who are specifically targeted by ISIS fighters because they don't want to beaten by these badass ladies.
I'm not saying I wouldn't be scared shitless, but if people are trying to conquer my country and killing my countrymen, I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I just ran away.
easy to say from behind a computer and what i can only assume in a safe, comfortable living condition. Of course we all have morals and think we would all act so bravely, but i doubt, even faced with a dangerous situations, many of us would be up to go face death.
"Battle is the most magnificent competition in which a human being can indulge. It brings out all that is best; it removes all that is base. All men are afraid in battle. The coward is the one who lets his fear overcome his sense of duty. Duty is the essence of manhood." General George S. Patton. Your duty is to your home and countrymen. If I was in their situation I wouldn't hesitate to take up arms. However, I'm not, and so, do not. Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't go up against the entirety of ISIS all by my lonesome if I didn't have to. If there were resistance fighters, anf there are, I would join up with them.
· 8 years ago
We are not your alt-right neo nazi jerk off site. Fuck off to hdl or 4chins.
We're also not hippie liberal socialist dick rubbing cucks, but I don't think I needed to say that. People can post what they want as long as the Gods deem it fit.
All of you throwing around big words while sitting in a cozy coffeeshop having a second caramel latte.
I tell you what, as soon as the first bomb would be dropped in my city, I freakin take my wife and run for my life.
Countries are nothing but abstract ideas with randomly defined borders, languages and systems and by far no reason to die for.
Getting killed for a country only makes you a hero if said country or system survives (and still: you're dead, I mean...), because history is always written by the winners.
Being safe in war!!!... Lmao! Maybe smart but no safe. You're not going to make it through World War 3
You stand more of a chance if your whole Community stuck together and fault the opposing Force while it was initially going down. Leaving and then coming back only allows the enemy to set up a position and wait for you to come to them
@heybooboo that's actually one my top, like, five reasons citizens should be allowed to own guns. In the event of a war where mainland America is invaded, our military could easily supplement depleting forces with local militias. And could easily train them to defend their own homes. Maybe not so much in California, but in the Midwest and South, fuck yeah.
And as long as there is no invasion in the US, a scenario which is unrealistc af anyways, everybody just keep accepting 30.000 people being shot per year by the freedom guns they have at home.
Nobody would ever invade such a big ass country like the US, so the only thing that will most probably fuck up the Us is gonna be a civil war. And considering the rate of murders and the furtherly increasing differences between rich and poor, they're on a pretty good way to make it happen.
and these guys are parasites
I tell you what, as soon as the first bomb would be dropped in my city, I freakin take my wife and run for my life.
Countries are nothing but abstract ideas with randomly defined borders, languages and systems and by far no reason to die for.
Getting killed for a country only makes you a hero if said country or system survives (and still: you're dead, I mean...), because history is always written by the winners.
You stand more of a chance if your whole Community stuck together and fault the opposing Force while it was initially going down. Leaving and then coming back only allows the enemy to set up a position and wait for you to come to them
Nobody would ever invade such a big ass country like the US, so the only thing that will most probably fuck up the Us is gonna be a civil war. And considering the rate of murders and the furtherly increasing differences between rich and poor, they're on a pretty good way to make it happen.