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· 8 years ago
Homeopathy to a T
· 8 years ago
Make all the jokes you want, but I have a patient with PTSD who was experiencing severe night terrors, we made a lavender spray for his pillow and now he sleeps soundly almost every night.
· 8 years ago
Small things like that work but bigger things should be left to trained professionals.
· 8 years ago
I am a trained professional - unless having a PhD and being a licensed psychologist isn't enough training for you. I can tell you from my work that these kinds of "alternative" treatments in conjunction with cognitive therapy are more effective at improving quality of life than traditional psychotropic medication.
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· 8 years ago
When I say bigger things I mean things like organ failure and cancer. My husband has PTSD and did CBT for a long time and it really helped.
· 8 years ago
Oh I see what you mean now. I work in a research facility so I hear a lot of ideas get tossed around like "meditation can heal brain tumors" and such, and while I think that'd be brilliant I don't think we can put too much stock in that kind of thing yet. But I use a lot of those kind of radical therapies and they have a wide range of capabilities for treatment.
· 8 years ago
that is all due to the relaxing smell. honestly a heartbeat pillow could have the same effect. the oil it self isn't a medicine. i appreciate what you do, but you know the oil doesn't have any healing properties. the smell relaxes them and the relaxation is the healing factor.
· 8 years ago
For the record, in this case we did try a number of other options first, and the lavender spray was the only treatment that allowed him to maintain a semi-normal sleep schedule. If the only factor was relaxation, then one of the other treatments (medication, sound machine, meditation, massage) should have worked the same as the lavender, but none of them were nearly as effective.
· 8 years ago
yes, but as a psychologist you know what triggers a relax state over a troubled mind can be several factors. this here may be a childhood sense of security. even if he doesn't remember, it could be a perfume that his mother wore or a plant growing at his childhood home. the mind does crazy things, smells being one of them. smell is one of the most powerful forces when i comes to memory. it can bring us back to many good times and many bad times. i think lavender brings him to good times. i used to have jasmine at my house as a kid. anytime i smell it i am transported to the house i lived when i was 5. it puts me in a comfortable space. i know artificial smells wouldn't work because the chemicals in that wouldn't smell quite right AND the chemicals could disrupt sleep.