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· 8 years ago
It should be called the "Try to swipe it 16 fucking times and the fucking machine says invalid code and the only fucking attendant for 6 fucking machines is reading a magazine and you give the fuck up and decide your children don't need fucking bread and leave with the salami and cheese and milk and cereal and set the bread on top and storm out because they ignored your help light and you are late picking your kid up at fucking practice because machines hate you and you get lectured by the coach for violating the parental code of fucking ethics by being 3.5 fucking minutes late" line.
· 8 years ago
Or maybe they just don't want to wait in line forever
· 8 years ago
My Dad calls this the "Fuck you do it yourself line."
· 8 years ago
I was shoppin', not in the best mood..Went to self checkout and one of the employees starts talking to me then starts flirting with me. I'm half ignoring him Not really saying anything and he asks "Not feeling very chatty huh cutie?" I told him I was in self checkout for a reason. He spent the next minute or 2 glaring at me from a different line