Well isnt Trump against gays. I might be confusing Trump and Mike Pence together
· 8 years ago
Yeah but I'm putting up the Trumpy Cat pictures because I dislike Trump, so I dunno whether you're digging at my posts or not lol, maybe I'm just getting muddled up and it's not aimed at my posts. And it's Mike Pence that's the major homophobe, although Trump might be idk.
@geluregis Yes he is. I quote: "I will do all I can to protect LGBTQ rights"
@pokethebear Uhhhh he's not super homophobic but honestly not many people are these days. What I meant by that is that he doesnt support gay marriage
@chilledtothebone Not really. Being homophobic would be like "I WANT ALL GAYS TO BURN IN HELL" but Milo (who is gay) doesn't support gay marriage because he believes in supporting the sanctity of marriage.
That's called being a loud, annoying homophobe. If you don't want to let gays get married, you're still a homophobe.
You say you want to preserve the importance of marriage. Are you saying that us gays are not important? We're all human, and we're all just looking for love. We cannot be denied our rights, like marriage.
Regardless if they are homophobic, what has either of them done to protect the rights of the LGBTQ? Because I can already say that they've forgotten what the T in LGBTQ stands for.
Gimme a break. I know LGBs that don't care for the Ts. Many psychiatrists still call gender dyshporia a disorder.
· 8 years ago
I'm bi and I hate these transtrenders. Jfc these 9 billion gender can go fuck themselves cause they think that just because no one will say a damn thing about it, it's valid and okay. It's not.
@pokethebear Uhhhh he's not super homophobic but honestly not many people are these days. What I meant by that is that he doesnt support gay marriage
You say you want to preserve the importance of marriage. Are you saying that us gays are not important? We're all human, and we're all just looking for love. We cannot be denied our rights, like marriage.