He shouldn't have to apologize. If people are dumb enough to blindly believe whatever they see (even if based on past situations) and it's something they can easily fact check in a matter of seconds it's their own fault.
People shouldn't have to apologize for posting jokes.
· 8 years ago
"Mainstream Media" is just another way of saying "they tell something different than what I believe". "Alternative Media" is short for "Dunno if it's trolls or lunatics but who gives a shit, as long as they oppose the MSM".
So then enlighten me, what alternative to MSM would you recommend? Also there is a huge difference between posting fakes and posting fiction. So maybe you shouldn't criticize anyone for being ignorant.
You're ignorant because "mainstream media" has been a popular phrase since before independent internet news became popular, and "alternative media" is just things that aren't mainstream media.
Quit pigeon holing definitions to fit your narrative.
Edited 8 years ago
· 8 years ago
Philip DeFranco is pretty good. Also The Rubin Report, both on YouTube. 180report.com shows you what the major headlines for left-leaning and right-leaning websites with links to those articles.
@garlog You're comparing a fiction writer who had no previous relationship to Donald Trump to the MSM which is an actual platform where people are supposed to get their news. There is obviously a difference, you're being ignorant.
Edited 8 years ago
· 8 years ago
He knows why he didn't answer my question which news source he'd recommend. I think he's a troll who doesn't want to express any opinion, just p*ss around and what he perceives as "liberal".
Yes, I was taking the piss when I said that. It was a joke.
I didn't answer you question because I didn't feel like changing the subject, and tj answered afterwards anyway.
Also, I'm a liberal.
· 8 years ago
You brought MSM up, and I seriously doubt you're presenting any opinion at all. Dave Rubin and DeFranco are the Youtuber names everyone on the right side of opinions likes to drop to prove they're open to any direction and there's no right and left side any more blah blah. I think you just like to make your comments vaguely sound enough like one position to gain a reaction, but not enough to be actually pinned down on it. Like any proficient troll would do. *attention window closing*
"You brought MSM up, and I seriously doubt you're presenting any opinion at all."
The only opinion I'm representing here is that your definition of "mainstream media" and "alternative media" are either ignorantly or deliberately over-specific and partisan.
"Dave Rubin and DeFranco are the Youtuber names everyone on the right side of opinions likes to drop to prove they're open to any direction and there's no right and left side any more blah blah."
No, they're often cited because they tend to be fact based and reasonable, and their central position makes them easier to digest by the left, which is usually who's asking.
"I think you just like to make your comments vaguely sound enough like one position to gain a reaction, but not enough to be actually pinned down on it."
What would you like to be pinned down?
It's a change of pace. Granted, it's a laborious choking change of pace similar to trying to maintain a light jog after a full out sprint for an hour, wheezing, staggering, and gasping all the while sweating like a sponge, but it's a change of pace.
i find it funny that from this point, 11 hours ago someone showed that this was fake. look at the post by TJ. yet as recent as 7 hours people are using this to bash trump. see this is what fake news does, this is what media did all election. you people just accept it as fact and move on.
Put on a good movie then promptly put a bullet in your head
· 8 years ago
how to spot a leftist, look for the one telling others to commit suicide. isn't sad, that i bring up the point that people are acting like this is a real tweet even though it was proven that is wasn't and your first response is violence. oh, and a "witty" transition from a nice comment to a negative one for comedic effect. i bet you mother tells you that you are so cool and so smart. i guess that comment pays off for all your years of failure and that constant awkward way you interact with other people. you know the one, the one where people pretend not to notice. spoiler alert, they do. they do and talk about it behind your back. constantly questioning to themselves why the hang around you to begin with. oh, you show them memes? ya pictures they already saw on tumbler. they just humor you to be nice. now maybe you should just sit in the corner and let the adults talk. hopefully we'll forget you are there and we wont notice you touching yourself to pictures of dogs and horses.
Haha. Oh that was a nice comment, Mr fake news. Yes I am weird but no I down fail at life. I have friends that are in the same league as me. It was even a friend who encouraged me to write that comment. It's really funny how you belive you are superior to me when you don't even know me. You behave as if you know what you're talking about when you're just a brainwashed little Trump circle jerker. Have fun with your narrow minded hatred, you twit.
stream, lets make this easier for you http://isaacmarion.com/ this is the writers personal web site. look at the first listing under his "my blog" this is where he said it was all fabricated. now read the comments here on this comment section. see how this was already linked. now notice how people are still acting that this is real. now think about what you have done and how dumb you sound. i'm glad you "have friends that are in the same league as me" just comes to show no matter you degree of mental retardation, you can still find people who will call you equal. "You behave as if you know what you're talking about" there is a BIG reason for that. unlike you and your bubble, i actually look into things. i don't just sit around assuming everything i'm told is correct. "belive you are superior to me when you don't even know me" i DO know you tell random strangers on the internet to kill themselves as some form of personal validation. does it hurt being that inept or are you used to it?
It's cute that you think you know everything about my life and where I get my facts. I don't need your approval and I don't care about what you think. By all means go on and assume things, it's not the truth anyway.
Also my "attack" (That's a Bo Burnham quote) was directed to the "fake news" part
· 8 years ago
but this was fake news. not necessarily the original creator of it, but those who pass it off as fact. i mean, try to keep up here. nothing i said was wrong, your response was. it was nothing more than an unjustified insult. i don't care that you got the line from some random comedian, that is just proof that you aren't even intelligent enough to come up with your own insults. shoot, you even said you were encouraged to place the comment. meaning you couldn't even do it on your own. do you have any originality? do you ever think or act for yourself? i am sorry i was rude earlier in my first reply. i doubt your mom thinks you are smart or cool. it was wrong for me to slander her in that way. i am sure she is an intelligent person and is as ashamed of you as i am. "you think you know ... where I get my facts." you seem to miss the point here, you ignore facts not get them from a failed source. i have yet to read anything of fact from you thus far.
Ah yes and what are you trying to achieve here? Belittling me? Well too bad it's not working. Your insults doesn't work because you don't know anything about me. What I put on the Internet is not me. But nice try. Maybe one day you'll actually get to hurt some people. Maybe on your deathbed you will look back at your life and realise how pathetic you've been. Oh well.
· 8 years ago
i'm just trying to show you how much of a failure you have been in making that initial comment. the rest is just letting you peer into your life and see all the flaws you have. it's the little thing that you will notice. the shallow laughs, the subtle groans when you enter a room. now these things will be obvious to you and you can work on fixing yourself. i am here to help you. you obviously have some issues. you tell people to kill themselves, have issues determining fact from fiction, even when faced with the evidence. one day you might become someone. a burger flipper, a sign holder in front of a hungry howies, or maybe get payed to stand next to homely looking people so they look good in comparison. they sky's the limit when you put that little mind to it. i wish you the best, i believe in you. i can't wait to hear about when someone finally looks you in the eye and doesn't cringe at those blemishes or that greasy complexion. i'll be so happy for you.
I understand that you have some problems in life, but pretending that other people have the same problems won't make it easier. Perhaps you should start focusing on improving yourself instead of getting mad at others. It's not healthy to assume other people's lives. And respond with such an aggressive way of belittling people to an ironic comment? Man you have some issues.
· 8 years ago
how to spot a leftist part two. unable to accept their faults and quickly enacting psychological projection to try to accuse others for their own problems. i'm sorry you can't start this "no i'm not, you are" what are we in grade school? remember back when i said "you aren't even intelligent enough to come up with your own insults" ya, we are still there. i love this though "Perhaps you should start focusing on improving yourself instead of getting mad at others" you literally told me to "Put on a good movie then promptly put a bullet in your head" in possibly my first interaction with you, ever. you have no grounds to talk. i am still correct in my initial comment. this was fake news, this was proven to be fake, and people still think it was real even after evidence was easily available. all of this from that point on is just pure entertainment. ever saw a chihuahua pick on a great dane? it is so funny, we all know the chihuahua has no chance, but it still tries. you o'l ankle biter.
Oh you still don't understand what I mean. It must be hard to be so dense. I'm really sorry that you're not able to process such advanced information, but I didn't expect much more from some one who uses the term "fake news". And with all this "I'm better than you" I hope you realise that ignorant people often see themselves as better people, now look at your comments, making yourself so big and important. Oh poor fella. I'm not saying I'm any better, I'm really not, we're all humans after all. But the first step is to realise your problem. I'm sorry to say you're far from that point you drooling cumstain.
Guys this is ridiculous. Can't you just hug and make up?
· 8 years ago
i could know what you mean if at any point in our fun little banter that you ever provided some form of a point. what is wrong with calling news (or information) that is fake (or false) fake news? this was information given to us, it was news. i mean this isn't a hard concept. the news provided was fake, it wasn't real. separate those two words. it was fake and news. would it have been any better if i called it "false information" or "news that was fake" i am making points and you are providing none. on top of the lack of anything being provided off of your end you started this interaction with comment about me conflicting a moral wound upon myself. you started this mess, i am just giving it color. at no point have i ever said that "i'm better than you". i have talked down to you and insinuated that you have social issues and brought nothing to the table in life nor this conversation. am i wrong? you DO have social issues, again you told a stranger to kill himself unjustifiably.
· 8 years ago
zipthesilver, lol, and miss this constant exchange of incoherent ramblings from a person that obviously has no idea what is going on. this is to much fun. i can't give up this chance to stretch my wings and fly over his head and crap all over his feeble attempts to clean up his utter lack of conversational skills. i have to admit, my first reply was out of malice. i was tired and i hate people making light of suicide. that constant pleas for others to kill themselves is sickening. these people find no faults with that action. though, from then all out this has just been banter. i know i am known for being far more level headed on this site, but i haven't talked crap to someone in such a long time it was kinda fun to do it again. sadly i am running in circles here, it is hard maintaining a practically one sided conversation. it is getting boring. i have been hoping for some real effort from him, but i am losing faith that he can bring it. eh, it was my day off, i deserved to relax.
I'll joke about suicide as much as I want, given that I'm suicidal and would gladly take my own life. My point is that you're using the term "fake news" as Trump would, a term that I've come to hate. I still find it funny how you believe you're so superior to me, I know you should have dreams but you should at least keep them realistic.
· 8 years ago
i doubt you are actually suicidal, if you were you wouldn't wish that pain onto other people. it isn't something to be taken lightly and if you honestly think telling people to go kill themselves is a good way to interact with other people, then yes, i am better than you. i will say it right now. because that is sick and depraved. so you are angry at the semantics of me using the phrase? a phrase that has been echoed by every major new station and publication? just because Trump says it? that is enough for you to want me to kill myself, because i used a phrase that Trump did. i'm sorry, but you ARE trash. to think that you are so disjointed from reality that a phrase is enough for you to wish harm to others. not just to me, but everyone that looks to me to hold everything together. you really do need to reassess your life. somewhere down the road you got lost, you need to find yourself, find out where you went wrong. as it stands you are damaged goods.
· 8 years ago
First of all, don't fucking kill yourself. Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. This goes for both of you.
Second of all, I won't say you can't joke about suicide, however I would recommend that you reserve that for face-to-face interactions for the most part. I joke about suicide on rare occasion even though a friend of mine committed suicide some years ago, but I don't do it online, and +95% of the time its with friends who were friends with that same person.
Third, the term "fake news" isn't being used incorrectly here. This is false trying to be passed off as true and believable.
Fourth, fucking hell. Both of you calm your tits.
· 8 years ago
if you ever knew the level of depression i had, medical depression. not that i was depressed, not that i self diagnosed, but real depression. if you knew the utter exhaustion i faced when i had my restaurant. 3 hours a night sleep if i was lucky. emotionally strained. the day i nearly ended it when i cried in my now wifes arms when i asked her to throw away the pills. it wasn't easy. to give up your way out as a promise to yourself to get better. you think healing from that was easy. i now live an amazing life with people that need me. people whose lives may not have made it without me. if you knew that level of hurt and struggle. if you knew that and could look at yourself in the mirror after your comment, you should be locked away. guess what sunshine. i am stronger than you'll ever be. after my stroke, i didn't give up. i ignored my pain to comfort my wife when she had cancer. stop seeking attention claiming to be suicidal. real talk buddy, you are nothing right now.
· 8 years ago
TJ, you are awesome, i respect you here. honestly my whole interaction, to me, was banter. just ragging on him. seeing what sticks. i was trying to egg him on trying to get him to open up and bring a nice insult my way. i will admit i was initially triggered. you may have seen me bring it up before how this "kill yourself" "i wish i was dead" bull keeps popping up and i fight against it. i have talked many people down. i have lifted many people up. i have faced the pain and i have saved others from it. if i couldn't get a hold of my wife at that time, it would have been over. she wouldn't have gotten checked for her cancer. my parents would have been homeless if i didn't sell much of my belongings to keep them afloat after they were disabled in that car accident. i am the only one here for many people. i sacrificed myself for them. i still struggle, but i am here because i am needed. they are my reason to keep going. i have done so much i am bored with life, but i fight for them.
I'm on medication too. I joke about it because I don't care about anything.
· 8 years ago
all i'm saying is that this shouldn't be the first thing you say to someone. i don't think we have ever interacted with each other in the past. what is my first reply from you? some well thought out comment? no, a request of me ending my life. i don't care if you have a difference of opinion, i welcome that. i want that. a single-minded community never creates advancements. other than this most recent interaction we never had a reason for a rivalry. no reason to dislike eachother. it was totally uncalled for. that said, i think it is time to move on. i let way to much about myself leak into the internet at times. i won't delete it, what was said needs to be said. never retract your statement, live up to it. cherish it. if you were meaning to post it the first time, there it will remain.
I wrote that because I never have successful interactions with Trump supporters when I'm trying to be formal. I can admit that writing such a comment only to the phrase "fake news" was over exacerbated and dumb, but your follow up wasn't exactly better.
· 8 years ago
The really awkward thing about all this is, that people find it so credible it really happened. It's totally believable that DT would engage in a twitter-war with some author, especially cause it just recently happened. JK Rowling is in another league than this guy, turnover-wise, but she's an entertaining author and nothing more. And everybody thinks: yea, so the POTUS is in a twitter feud with some book writer, sure, been there. A few months ago that would have been one the less believable plots of Black Mirror, now it's just what's happening....
· 8 years ago
Most fake news is "believable." The problem is so many people just accept things they want to believe and don't even do a 5 second Google search to check if it's real or not.
· 8 years ago
they say the worse lie is a half-truth. people made it a career to purposefully negate information so they can draw a bias that is far from fact.
unusure if anyone thinks this is real anymore or no so
So the MSM are in the clear, I see.
Quit pigeon holing definitions to fit your narrative.
Yes, I was taking the piss when I said that. It was a joke.
I didn't answer you question because I didn't feel like changing the subject, and tj answered afterwards anyway.
Also, I'm a liberal.
The only opinion I'm representing here is that your definition of "mainstream media" and "alternative media" are either ignorantly or deliberately over-specific and partisan.
"Dave Rubin and DeFranco are the Youtuber names everyone on the right side of opinions likes to drop to prove they're open to any direction and there's no right and left side any more blah blah."
No, they're often cited because they tend to be fact based and reasonable, and their central position makes them easier to digest by the left, which is usually who's asking.
"I think you just like to make your comments vaguely sound enough like one position to gain a reaction, but not enough to be actually pinned down on it."
What would you like to be pinned down?
Second of all, I won't say you can't joke about suicide, however I would recommend that you reserve that for face-to-face interactions for the most part. I joke about suicide on rare occasion even though a friend of mine committed suicide some years ago, but I don't do it online, and +95% of the time its with friends who were friends with that same person.
Third, the term "fake news" isn't being used incorrectly here. This is false trying to be passed off as true and believable.
Fourth, fucking hell. Both of you calm your tits.