because everything needs a app now.. it's not like it wouldn't work fine without one..
· 8 years ago
Not everyone has a thermometer with them at all times. This could be great for travel no? But then again they could just simply carry around a thermometer.
I feel like it is the exact same size as a regular thermometer with a digital readout. I don't really get the add-on value of plugging it into your phone
So the app developer can sell your information to someone else.
· 8 years ago
Yes because someone else really needs to know what temperature you have right now.
· 8 years ago
some people would find this informations useful for research stuff, if you want or not.. big data is a thing now. you could put the informations from this thing with some other informations from a lot of people in a big data map and see for an example where the flu spreads currently etc.
Companies take your location data, I'm sure fitbit sells your heart rate and step information to someone, @sosa_jp knows what I'm talking about.
· 8 years ago
yes, i have a fitbit device and i'm sure they do. some insurance companys even wants this data because they see how healthy you live.. if you live healthy, they give you more money if you have problems with your health.. if you do the opposite, they give you less.. all depending on your fitness tracker device^^ the same with gps from smartphones..if you drive fast and slow, you become more money if you have a accident.. if you drive too fast, you get less.. in the future there will be even more stuff like this.
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