I'm not into boys sexually but I love boys. They're great friends, real chill and fun to hang out and chat with, and I feel like I can just be myself around my guy friends. Boys are wonderful.
I'm into boys sexually, the way they walk, the way they talk, the feel of their bodies beneath my hands. Truly wonderful.
· 8 years ago
Boys can be very pretty, I acknowledge that. I'm just not interested in having a dick shoved in any part of my body. But I like the way it feels when my brothers hug me, or I cuddle with my dad to watch a movie. I like the smell of his aftershave, and the way I can feel my grandpa's whiskery beard tickle me when he kisses my cheek. I like how neat boys look in button-up shirts and a tie, and I like my nephew's excitement when they play videogames on the couch together. I like my friend Jared who will show up in the middle of the night just to chat with me about philosophical viewpoints, and how he'll tease me in a way my girl friends generally don't. I like boys. Just don't want to fuck 'em, but if that's what you're about I say go for it, there are some very pretty boys out there.
I also think "boys sense of humor", dick jokes and fart jokes and crude humor like that, that girls aren't supposed to like? I think that and vulgarity are HILARIOUS. Basically, boys can rock on.
It's @ the point every comment these days.
Like somebody just be on.my profile going down my comments hittin each 1 and multiple people doing it.. I'm about to just hit the down vote on my own shit that way nobody can get the satisfaction seeing that little red arrow light up
When us girls say that boys' crude humor is stupid? Like dick jokes or sex jokes? Fuck that. I say those jokes are great. Keep being you <3
I'm not attracted to guys, but man are they great to be around. They can be really supportive friends, a good source of jokes in the group, and fuck whoever says they shouldn't talk or even exist. Those bitches can shut the fuck up. They don't realize how much our lives would change without being around them. Boys are wonderful.
I love men, sexually and otherwise. Some of my best friends are guys. theyre almost like big brothers that i dont have and i honestly couldnt imagine someone hurting them or saying the things the internet does to them. I love my boyfriend he is amazing and he always smells like tea tree and his eyes are so blue and he makes me feel safe. Guys are pretty awesome.
It's so great to see how Brutalanus and Termanal-velocity are not left alone in their vulnerable state of deep uncertainty and helpless fragility. Funsubstance - taking care of todays real problems.
· 8 years ago
Could you honestly just fuck off. You're a cancer in every post. -_-
I'm a cancer 24/7, my birthday's in july... and I'm sorry, it's way too much fun making friends and collecting little red triangles here. Ever thought of a place where no annoying thoughts and ideas can get near you?
... which is basically what a safe space is all about. The irony...
· 8 years ago
How is that a fucking safe space, a safe space is forcing you out of a place simply because you meet a certain criteria that I don't want around. I'm not forcing shit.
Like somebody just be on.my profile going down my comments hittin each 1 and multiple people doing it.. I'm about to just hit the down vote on my own shit that way nobody can get the satisfaction seeing that little red arrow light up
I'm not attracted to guys, but man are they great to be around. They can be really supportive friends, a good source of jokes in the group, and fuck whoever says they shouldn't talk or even exist. Those bitches can shut the fuck up. They don't realize how much our lives would change without being around them. Boys are wonderful.
This is really far from anything I'm used to.