O- is the universal donor because it doesn't have any of the other things attached, and therefore nothing that someone else's blood will see as a threat and try to attack.
AB+ is the universal acceptor because it has all of them, and therefore will recognize all of the extra enzymes as friendly.
Ya I'm one of those. I don't remember what it's called but I guess if I go for a blood test the result looks like some blood disease or something like that
Maybe the Bombay (hh) blood type. I think they can display false positives for hemolytic anemia and similar blood disorders. They also routinely test as O type, since they are genetically unable to produce H antigen, a synthetic precursor and structural component to the A and B antigens. However, genotypically someone with hh type may be either A, B, or AB, which is why there is a lot of muck-uppery when checking their blood.
· 8 years ago
Fucking looks like a bullet hell shooter ship getting upgraded
I remember hearing that if you're AB- you need to live somewhere near another AB- just incase cause they're rare. Always did wonder why they couldn't accept O bloodtypes though.
They can recive O- which I am. Aswell as A- and B-. Only O- is the one type that can ONLY recive from O-. I had to come in days before I gave birth just incase they needed it. All because they had none in stock.
AB+ is the universal acceptor because it has all of them, and therefore will recognize all of the extra enzymes as friendly.
Pretty sure it's negative.
My family always said it was the only A+ I'd ever get in life. Jerks.