But the circle of life shouldn't cause depression, one thing must die for another to survive.
· 8 years ago
No, the circle of life is another thing. This is the moment right before death. Capturing the very moment of a creatures last bit of life on this earth can be jarring for many people, especially if they're very sensitive. There are many people out there who are very compassionate for both people and animals and to see this can really upset them. I know my mother is that way.
It's might have been exhausted. Mama cheetahs bring back live prey for their juveniles to practice on. Mama will wear it out so it'll be too tired to make a real attempt to get away.
My grandmother and aunt went on a trip to Africa recently. They took some tour where they drove around in an open door jeep. Long story short she had to watch and hear a pregnant zebra then her unborn but quite developed foal get eaten by hyenas. And it happened about 20ft from the vehicle. She layed in bed for 2 days after that in a state of shock.
Darwin's theory of Struggle for existence and survival of the fittest is well demonstrated here. Of course such scenes will disturb us but that's nature's way! But they are far better than we humans. They kill either for food or in self defense only and not for PLEASURE like humans!!
That's the funniest thing I've ever read! Animals kill for fun, pleasure, and practice all the time.
What makes humans special is that we punish killers whenever they don't have a damn good reason to have done it.
What makes humans special is that we punish killers whenever they don't have a damn good reason to have done it.