I'm Australian and we have mandatory voting, so we have turnout rates in the 90% region for elections. Less than 50% of the US population turned out to vote, and about 50% of that voted for this man. Hardly representative and not sure how being voted for by a quarter of the population gives anyone a mandate.
Popular vote doesn't decide elections.
Even if that weren't the case, I'm sure mandatory voting has it's own set of problems.
Like apathy, mob mentality, or people just voting for the names they recognise.
· 8 years ago
Yep, making the country safer and cleaning up the inner cities makes him a grossly incompetent president.
Every politician lies. I'm just glad the few lies he's told were borne from bad information, rather than intentional misinformation.
Trump has experience running very big businesses, which means that he's got more political experience than some other powerful politicians did.
Your third point is too broad to effectively address.
He lies all the time. I don't think he's said one truthful word during the campaign. Also running a company is not the same as running a country you dense plonker.
I've already stated my arguments. He lies almost all the time, or use "alternative facts" and running a company or a business is not the same as running a country. He is unfit and didn't even win the popular vote. He is constantly whining and complains more on twitter than he is trying to improve the country in the ways he "promised"
· 8 years ago
sadly famousone, the anti-Trump crowd are anti-Trump. they don't know why, but they will fight till the end with their "reasons". these kids grew up being molded into the perfect slaves. they do whatever their masters tell them. doesn't mater the pile of information you'd give them, they wont believe it.
You do know the same can be said about you too, right? I'm not pro hillary if that's what you think. I happen to be a highly educated dindividual living with highly educated parents in a highly educated society. I'm pretty sure I know what's up.
there is little correlation to education and intelligence. i have met people who went to ivy league schools that could barely tie their shoes. want an example? look at the education that george w. bush had. also i said anti-trump. not pro-hillary. i am saying that you got your information from poor sources and held onto that misinformation with a deathgrip. you are unable to change your belief with new information. you are quick to hate everything he does because that is what people are telling you to do. you don't take a moment to think of the positive implications of his actions. i'm not even going to start on how you are apparently highly educated and yet still living with your parents (per your own words). i want people to give him a chance without looking for problems at every step. the media brainwash this election was the worse ever. this was KGB level propaganda, and you ate it up. it's ok, i forgive you. i'm not mad, just disappointed.
I love with my parents because I'm 17. I tried to think positively about Trump, then he signed the executive order to build the wall and ban the 7 middle east countries. If I do say so myself I'm quite intelligent. What I meant with education is that I'm exposed to reliable media sources while also knowing the importance of judging the credibility of given sources. It's you if anyone who is holding on to a twisted reality, you who believe Trumps alternative facts. You must be able to see that everything you say can be turned against you, right? There's an equal chance that you are the one who is being narrow minded and holding on to only the positive things.
· 8 years ago
No facts? Check.
Elitist? Check.
Blatant hypocrisy? Check.
Spot the liberal is fun!
And the same can be said about you guys. It's always fun to see how narrow minded you are. I haven't gotten any facts myself. Why am I the one who have to show facts? Also I don't see how I'm an elitist nor a hypocrite. Please do inform me so that I can learn from my mistakes.
You're the one telling lies and going against the majority. I think that burden lies on you
· 8 years ago
You're complaining about showing facts? Maybe because there aren't any. Anyways, let's look at the list.
No facts? Actually, I'm surprised. Not even a fanatical left-wing news outlet referenced.
Elitist? Yep. You use "highly educated" as a term to write off anything that's wrong with your argument. Essentially, you say "I'm well off, so therefore I'm right and you're wrong.".
Hypocrisy? Check. You say Trump is a liar and those who believe in him are brainwashed idiots... as you mindlessly churn out statements devoid of facts and opinions as the truth.
There. Have I helped?
Really, the belief that any form of mass media is so truthful speaks counter to your claims of being "highly educated".
Also, since when did supporting the less popular guy make someone a "brainwashed sheep"?
We haven't reduced ourselves to petty insults have we?
You're gonna pull the "all politicians lie" card? He lies more than most do. And the misinformation just shows that he isn't very educated on the topic. And what I mean with my media is that by law they have to represent the truth. As soon as there is a false claim not only the people will be on them but the authorities too. Unlike CNN and Fox news that lie daily. I gave you proof and you shook it off.
You want evidence and then explain how all evidence is just nitpicking? Without presenting any evidence of your own?
You tried, you really did. Wait... no you didn't.
I don't see how I do. You simply fail to accept the points I've made. I'm not gaining anything from this conversation since you're not giving any counter proof and therefore I am done. I would not see this as your victory given that I leave due to lack of evidence from your side. You have failed to convince me and I have failed to convince you. No one goes out of this a winner. I say this because I know that your "arguments" would have otherwise been "you left because you'require wrong and can't present facts" since this is not the case I'm already disqualifying that statement.
That is a complete lie given that you can't even quote me on it.
· 8 years ago
silvermyth, people have been arrested due to voter fraud. this isn't just theory. people have been arrested and charged. if i recall correctly even cnn of all people talked about real voter fraud a few years ago. on top of that, this "no proof of voter fraud" should go away when half said it is illegal immigrants and the other half if saying the russians. seriously both sides of the aisle were claiming their own form of fraud.
· 8 years ago
stream42, you are going to link politifacts, and i should believe them, when their first article is going to claim that sanders didn't get cut off from CNN new right after he called CNN "fake news". the reason Trump was called a liar? sanders got cut off after he said "it was a joke" 3 second later... wow yep trump was lying s/. CNN have been known for cutting people off when they say something they don't like. it happened many times. half truths have been blinding you to much. half truths are the worse lie, because they cant easily be debunked due to people already having a bias to the facts. the media was doing nothing but half truths and diversions. this is what lead to the those who were anti-Trump. in real-time many of us watched events happen. many others watched it through the media filter, and they told you what you should think of it. with all that and the political opponents doing nothing but projection. it was a good pool of disorientation that the left gladly swam around in
Yes but I want to see evidence for the 5 million people that Mr.Trump says voted illegally. Of course there will be some voter fraud, that is to be expected; but not on the scale that Mr. Trump claims. Also, what makes you think that I am from Denmark?
What exactly are you asking? Also, why exactly was I downvoted? I understand the other times; differing opinions. This time, I do not understand. Anyway, I have not stayed in one place long enough to be considered 'from' somewhere.
Even if that weren't the case, I'm sure mandatory voting has it's own set of problems.
Like apathy, mob mentality, or people just voting for the names they recognise.
Trump has experience running very big businesses, which means that he's got more political experience than some other powerful politicians did.
Your third point is too broad to effectively address.
Elitist? Check.
Blatant hypocrisy? Check.
Spot the liberal is fun!
That means the burden of proof is on you.
No facts? Actually, I'm surprised. Not even a fanatical left-wing news outlet referenced.
Elitist? Yep. You use "highly educated" as a term to write off anything that's wrong with your argument. Essentially, you say "I'm well off, so therefore I'm right and you're wrong.".
Hypocrisy? Check. You say Trump is a liar and those who believe in him are brainwashed idiots... as you mindlessly churn out statements devoid of facts and opinions as the truth.
There. Have I helped?
Devoid of facts and opinions? You must be pretty blind not to see the facts. What I mean with highly educated is that where I'm from we're taught how to recognize the legitimacy of sources. I'm also exposed to a trouthful media that's almost 100% correct about its news.
Your arguments so far haven't been much better, you brainwashed sheep.
Also, since when did supporting the less popular guy make someone a "brainwashed sheep"?
We haven't reduced ourselves to petty insults have we?
Hey, you tried. You really did. http://imgur.com/gallery/j75vIc8
You tried, you really did. Wait... no you didn't.
I haven't presented anything because you've consistently shot down your own arguments.
It has nice nature and food, so I'm sad to go