Critical thinking exercise:
Lets assume you were in a position of power. And the only thing that could take your power away was the collective vote of the people you had power over. What's the one thing you would need to control/influence in order to convince the majority that you should stay in power? (Media)
Now ad in the fact that a small percentage of the population gives you money so that you use your power to make their lives more advantageous than the larger % of your people. But you still need the large % of people to vote for you.
Can you even imagine a world today where polotical money isn't spent on media influence? It's impossible that it's not happening! And the amount of money in play means they are doing it on a HUGE scale.
And that is the US political landscape of the last 25 years.
This isn't about technology,it's about blinding believing everything the media says,which,sadly,can be very dangerous.
· 8 years ago
in most cases, media is technology, no matter how you look at it. There's stupid people out there that believe everything, but the media can do good, it can inform, and we'd all be even more ignorant than we are now without it. So ultimately, it is about technology. use that brain of yours, you have it for a reason. we're not all mindless zombies because of it.
I agree with gg. Imagine a time before electricity. Could an idea be crushed with just words and rumors? You bet. Technology just allows media to work faster and more accuratly.
Lets assume you were in a position of power. And the only thing that could take your power away was the collective vote of the people you had power over. What's the one thing you would need to control/influence in order to convince the majority that you should stay in power? (Media)
Now ad in the fact that a small percentage of the population gives you money so that you use your power to make their lives more advantageous than the larger % of your people. But you still need the large % of people to vote for you.
Can you even imagine a world today where polotical money isn't spent on media influence? It's impossible that it's not happening! And the amount of money in play means they are doing it on a HUGE scale.
And that is the US political landscape of the last 25 years.