The media's been calling him homophobic, misogynistic, racist, and xenophobic from the start.
They've backed those claims by taking him out of context and have outright ignored evidence to the contrary.
· 8 years ago
hey, you do realize you can literally watch the videos of him saying all these things that support these people claims, right? i mean, it's LITERALLY on video and audio.
Lol ok sweetie,Shia actually did assault someone. Some dude said something he disagreed with,so he fucking grabbed the dude's scarf and shoved him. He got arrested for it too.
I never heard anything about the dude being a nazi,sweetheart. Listen cupcake,I'm not pro-nazi or some shit. I just don't approve of violence,simple as that.
Edited 8 years ago
· 8 years ago
it literally says in the second article that he was a neo nazi. it doesn't matter if you're pro violence or not, if you're a nazi, you deserve to get a good fuck up. He's defending his faith
I was speaking in the past tense. Maybe I should've changed my wording,but I assumed you knew what I meant. And I'm against any violence,unless someone threatens a life.
· 8 years ago
nazis are threatening lives sweetheart. that's their entire movement
It's been happening more frequently tho. Not that it has anything to do with Trump, but some of his Nazi supporters see him as a leadership figure, a reason to do more.
People have done that for years, long before trump and long before the previous president, they are just like the idiots that insist on carving their dumb as hell 'street name' into a public urinal.
I was in my health class at my college and I was waiting to speak with the teacher about an assignment so I place my bookbag in a chair. I ended up being last person in the classroom with the teacher. Well after we talked I go get my bag and right under my bag was a swastika in the fabric chair. I said "O my God some little idjit thought it be funny to draw a swastika on his seat." The teacher who is Jewish said he gets them all the time. He was about to just push the seat into the hall for a janitor to clean when I said I got a better idea. I than took my sharpie and turn it into a little house lol with a door and a window. The teacher said he will do that from now on. Lol
in before it was more liberals drawing this stuff just so they can blame Trump. honestly it is disgusting, but so is doing the same thing so you can play victim. i just wish people can stop hating, and people can stop planting hate where they can't find it. that is the two sides of the coin. real hate and planted hate. i wish both would just go away.
Sadly as long as humans divide themselves by petty things like color, religion and any other labels instead of just seeing one species, hate will always exist. Humans still have a lot of maturing to do!
By far I'm not a trump supporter but i won't sit here and listen to people actively lie and spread hate where it is unjustified. Don't be so damn childish.
>some fag scribbles a swastika somewhere
>some other fag erases it
>this is a big deal for some reason
What the fuck are you doing? Quit spazzing out over nothing.
They've backed those claims by taking him out of context and have outright ignored evidence to the contrary.
The whole travel ban, and lets be honest, we all know it's aimed at Islam
along with the wall
His VP wants to spend tax dollars on Gay conversion therapy
He's also has a long history of treating women like shit, as well as multiple rape/sexual assault accusations
oh and @rwby_Rose, shia didn't assault anyone, he was yelling "he will not divide us" with a crowd at a neo nazi who was yelling 14 88 and taunting protestors at the womens parade, which he has every right to do seeing as how he's jewish standing up to a fucking nazi.
oh so you're talking about this? because last time i checked, the guy he pulled off camera was provoking. I love how you're defending a nazi.
Everyone sees the hypocrisy that these people are the ones who call Trump a fascist, right?
a few of them get deja vu from him actually
I don't like Trump,but at least I'm willing to give valid criticisms,unlike most of the people here.
>some other fag erases it
>this is a big deal for some reason
What the fuck are you doing? Quit spazzing out over nothing.