See. Now you made @jamespotter think these people are stupid and they don't know how to say big. They do say it dig. That's just like it is. It's their word now. And it's "dig". Laughing at that makes you racist.
I honestly have no idea what you're on about @trustnthnmulder, I would listen to your argument but you just don't make sense. Then when you try and explain it again, it's completely irrelevant to the topic. Are you a troll?
Wow, there must be some point he's trying to make though. I have no clue what it is. Can't we just think people misspelling words is cute and funny? even native english speakers do that
There is a point. And it slips from your hands again and again and again. Because you're bad listeners, and that's because you're accustomed to five word sentences. And because you think it's like this in our surroundings so it's like that with everyone else.
I'll explain it in an example again. Forget about Japanese that misspell. Im "sorry" I have to bring Yugoslavia back in, but it's perfect for many, not all, explanations. Cause it was the only country that had all three biggest denominations (religions), writing in three scripts (yugoslavian Arebic(arabic script but not Arabic language),yugoslavian Latin and Cyrillic)and in different ways. You Englishmen, Dutchmen and whatever men and women write names in their original form(without special markings as in ñ, ö...though). But you can't do that with Russian, Serb, Arab, Georgian cause all of the ж,џ,њ,η, δ,ψ, SO you transliterate them, in whatever way fits you (loosing difference between Russian and Serbian -ič and -ić cause you pronounce them both -ich). So Timofeev (Тимофеев) with two dots above first e, becomes TimofeYev, cause you don't have their letter, AND you can't leave it with two ee, or you'll read it Timofiev. Bare with me. There's second part.......
And also Timofeev, without dots, Serbian surname, becomes TimofeYev, although there is an official latinic way to write it (Serbs use latinic unofficially, unlike Russians) and there are no unknown letters, just because of the two ee. Now, Croats and Bosniaks also write "foreign" names (including Russian) like you people. BUT, they don't transliterate neighborly, ex-brotherly names, so Stepan Timofeev (Russian , Степан Тимофеев)is Stephen Timofeyev,BUT Stepan Timofeev, Serbian is Stepan Timofeev. And there are Serbs... who write as they read, so both of them are Stepan Timofeev, in Cyrillic, or latinic. So imagine yourself, working for US ambassador, you lived in Bosnia for twenty years, you know how they write... And two men come to embassy, with Serbian delegation, and you have to write name tags. You don't know who's Russian who's Serbian. Writing rules don't help you. Now try to imagine us people, Japanese or Serbian speaking ... We don't know how to write our brotherly language.
We would, literally have to learn all the foreign names (it's easier for you, even you don't know if it's Lakeesha, Lakeysha or LaKaeisha, but you see those names, at least once in your life, we don't even tell them apart, not only phonetically, in writing too, so we'd have to learn them, all anew, I never saw most of it, never) and even then in Bosnia I wouldn't know if he IS foreign or not, so I could even consider is he Stephan, Stephen or Steven. Japanese write and pronounce it Jakuson (they don't know if he's Jackson, Jakson, Jacqueson or whatever)like Serbs call him Dzekson. If Japanese US ambassador's assistant meets someone who he wrote Jakuson and now has to guess first if he's Dzekson or not, then if he's Jackson, or Jacquesson,...and he misses it, it wouldn't be funny at all to me. At least in US he doesn't need to choose between Timofeev and Timofeyev, but THEY DON'T KNOW. Really don't know. And you can't learn them all. And "teacher" surprises you with test and takes phone
Disturbing you with teaching you how not to be bitch with people who try to be more like you by teaching your language, and they make mistakes they're not even aware of, and they can't learn, especially if you surprise them on test? Go, be a motherfuckin bitch to nice people like Japanese. Go laugh at Syrians for not knowing how to dress, like average westerner, if he wants to fit in (I'm not talking about burka or not, I talk about "ridiculous" look of those who try to look European), I hope they blow you, you personally, to hell and back.
If stinky racist like you laughed at me for not getting Michael Jackson on my first try, I'd kick you soooooo hard, your grandchildren would walk on hands. We have people like you here, laughing at Gypsies for saying, idk, comtuper or acculumator, ask them how they got their ass kicked. By m
How can you accuse me of doing those things though? When did I say that I laughed at Japanese or Syrian people? You're blowing everything out of proportion.
You're still saying you are not ridiculing them "on how they pronounce big wrongly as dig". I'm not even gonna try to explain more intricate things. First you got to understand they don't misspell big, that is entirely new word in Japanese, inspired by English word. They have Japanese word for big. But not for an idiom, like, "big" in Japan, as in song. And when we come to US we think it's Dig Epple (New York). Until we learn it isn't. But we can't learn all the Jacksons, Jaqueasonns, Jieksons. Simple as that. And you laughing at me for misspelling them, even in 30th try, is same as fuckers laughing at Gypsies for saying comtuper instead of computer. They got their teeth knocked out by me.
What happened to you people. Since when is laughing at Japanese for saying lice (as in louse) instead of rice (as in rice crispies), since when that isn't racist. I remember it as racist, and I still get teeth knocked out for that. Yes, even to those who think it's "cute and funny". Are "midgets" cute and funny and ....
What happened to you people. Since when is laughing at Japanese for saying lice (as in louse) instead of rice (as in rice crispies), since when that isn't racist. I remember it as racist, and I still get teeth knocked out for that. Yes, even to those who think it's "cute and funny". Are "midgets" cute and funny and ....
For the last time. We. Are. NOT. Talking. About. Pronounciation.
Ugh. You made me go into capslock princess mode.
Guess that one was addressed at me. Dear friend I think you are missing the point of the initial reactions. These were not addressed to any particular group of human beings. They are just misspellings. Misspells happen to everybody. My question was whether you would argue that if someone misspelled on google that would recognise what someone would really mean to say? Not sure if you ever seen typo's and so which people enter in google. But they can be very funny if you relate it to what is written regardless of who wrote it. So maybe as you like to refer to different countries. Also people in the US misspell English words.
@jamespotter, I hope I understood you well... If you write Jakuson in google, picture of Jackson Michael would emerge. And I like your unracist naivity. It was targeted to a particular group. I even think OP overreacted on some. Like "smorl" and Mrrn Monro. But let's not presume what anyone else thought.
Edited 8 years ago
· 8 years ago
Did anyone else read these in their head as an angry Japanese man?
Racial slur is calling me kike or heeb. These are spelling mistakes they mock (I guess he's spelling it lice in written form as well). He also, actor Kim Chung, but I imagine, uncle Benny as well, was taught English, in his far eastern country, by an English teacher, of English origin, back then they didn't have other people teaching it , who was definitely laughing at him for saying lice, or Jakuson. And there are native speakers that mock him still. That's exactly the same as this post
No it's not. Calling someone the n word is completely different to pointing out some spelling mistakes.
You asked for something, I gave you what you wanted, and you're still not happy.
I'm done with you
Okay. Just answer me this. Would you kick the teeth out of man who laughs at Gypsies for saying comtuper instead of computer. They learn my language. They're not born with it, they start learning it when 7 or 8. And I am very thankful to them they want to learn it. They make mistake, I explain it. If I laughed, I'd kick my own teeth. If you wouldn't kick ass of that man I kicked, then I'd kick all of you.
I don't know how British black people speak. You are one, right? @sincere_milkshake. I'll imagine you speak something like sub-language (as in... subgroup of American English). I'll imagine you live in southern states of US and speak... I'm not sure what creole is, is that their sub-language. And you go to 1st grade and misspell something. And somebody mocks you. Even if they are right... You wrote it wrong.... You shouldn't kick them for that... You should kick them for laughing at you. If you as a black don't slam peoples for diminishing you, you my friend are lost. Can I slap people if they say you're illiterate Creole?
It's called Hepburn English, you racist. They literally can't pronounce it. It happens in Serbian too (pronunced srbian actually) . Here people say spectacl, without e. They know it's delinquent, but it's unpronounceable, so they say it delikvent
Edited 8 years ago
· 8 years ago
Yeah but this is about written words, not pronounced words
Yes, they also write it, for example Audery Hepburnu, they can't end a word in "rn", it's unexplainable to bubble people like you :). Serbs for example, must end all girl names with "a". They don't care your name is French American Gabrielle (read as in French with silent e in the end) it's unpronounceable in Serbian, they must change it to GabrielA, even though you explain them you have a twin sister GabrielA, and your dead father left everything to you, GabriellE, you will LEGALLY have to take half.
I understand that, but it's not like you can't learn that not every language follows your rules. There are plenty of things in english that don't make sense in dutch, but that doesn't mean that i should always have to speak broken english. I don't know why you love the insult "bubble child" so much btw
· 8 years ago
Also of course they will write phonetically at first, that's why they make the mistakes, but again, that doesn't mean it isn't incorrect and it doesn't mean they can't learn from that and improve their english so they don't make those mistakes again
No, you don't understand. Read from my lips (imagine my lips now)'s entire way of wri-tt-ing. Called Hepburn. Romanization. It's a... A... Canonical. All Japanesu write it. It's established. It has its rules. It's not an individual makeup language. They have...their words romanized, like, idk, any Japanese word transliterated in latinic, BUT they sometimes don't have words in their language for something, SO they LOAN it. AND it's not that easy as you think it is to pronounce it. They DON'T have "r" or "l". My personal favorites are durifuto = d(u)rif(u)t(o)= drift and amerikandoggu (American hot dog(u) ), where do you think doggo came from.
I'll explain it with example. But this time I'll say you're... silly.... or "funny" illiterate . The only Serbian word you use every day I can think of - vampir. You took it. It's a loan word in your language, that's called turcism, germanism or in this case serbism and you're pronouncing it like you're retarded, vemp(a)ir, and write it like retard with e in the end. Do you see it now. You made ridicule of an official writing system. And made them look silly.
· 8 years ago
You keep coming back to speaking, which is not what this is about. Also, this is not about loaning words or romanisong, this is japanese people trying to learn english. Not hepburn english, but just english. Lastly, in my native language (dutch) we pronounce vampire the same way serbians do, and we also do not have an e at the end
· 8 years ago
I just don't understand how and why you always seem to get upset so easily
@yimmye you are literally retarded. Completely. Clinical case. All I do is explain and explain, but it doesn't get to your head (that means bubble, as in closed in one) . It IS NOT Japanese trying to speak English,it is Japanese. Japanese. Written in latinic scripture. They actually do it so it could be easier for you. And you return the favor by calling their official language a mistake. Japanese (as in people) write צעענככעמ (this is Yiddish I don't have Japanese on my phone) , they transliterate that (that means write it in latinic) as harukaro, so you know how to read it, Japanese word for a river (I invented the word there's no sucha word in Japanese I don't speak it). BUT they they don't have ancient word for baseball, they call it עעמיגני ,or transliterated basebalU. Basebalu. It's an official Japanese word Basebalu. Written in Japanese it's עעמיגי ,but written in Hepburn latinic it's Basebalu. They cannot pronounce l in the end.
You write "drift", read it "drift". That's old English word. Written in your scripture (need I to remind you it's minority script in the world, it's just used everywhere, but as native, it is minor one). If you were polite as Japanese are , you would transliterate it as дрифт or in Chinese or Arabic , and explain what it is. But you don't have a word for bloodsucking undead, so you took вампир(vampir,transliterated to latinic) ,and you write it as vampirE. It became your word. If, again you were polite as Japanese, to invent Hepburn Serbian, or Hepburn Cyrillic, you would write it вампирЕ, instead of вампир ,and we would laugh at you cause you are illiterate. "Writing it with E, phahahaha". I really can't explain it more clear than this.
Look, what you say makes no sense. I'm french, so does that mean I must write every english word so they can be pronounced in french? Should "Goodbye" become "Goude baille" because that's how we write these sounds in french? No, of course not. You don't abide to your mother language. You learn the rules and grammar of the other languages.
These students are wrong, so we have to correct them.
This nice tea-time got me wondering. Even if it is hepburnu English. That may apply for just 3 of the above. The rest is just not completely right (write). When did a book become a boob and big a dig? Even in other languages this has the same meaning. Or would you argue that google will take in account hepburnu English to respect those not able of pronouncing and writing this correctly??? - sharing just my thoughts
And even though this guy is teaching them English, so not Japanese with foreign loanwords... It would be like I came to Britain and tried to teach them Serbian (and they somehow have Hepburn Cyrillic, and they write it alongside latinic, for centuries, so they know Cyrillic, and they have Serbian loanwords written in it...irregularly ...cause it's unpronounceable otherwise) and they do good on words like клиник (klinik = clinic, which they transliterated цлиниц for us, cause it's their word, they just help Cyrillic readers to now how it's written and spelled, if it were our word they'd write it in Hepburn Cyrillic клиник or клиницк ,irregularly) , феноменал (fenomenal = phenomenal) difference between ch from камелеон (kameleon = chameleon) and Хармс (Harms = Charms - a Russian poet) cause they remember "simple" rules c= k ph=f, etc. And forget they spelled it цлиниц for us. But if they write деликвент (delikvent) instead of делиНквент (deliNkvent = delinquent)I would not laugh at them.
Why do you do this? On every single post you comment on, you somehow manage to bring it back to Serbia. This post was just about spelling mistakes that Japanese students had made. Why are you so mad? You literally suck the fun out of everything.
· 8 years ago
Nobody is saying that their mistakes are unforgivable, and it would be exaclty like your example, they are allowed to make mistakes but THEY WANT TO LEARN ENGLISH THAT'S WHY THEY ARE FUCKING STUDYING IT YOU INCOMPETENT OAF jesus man you're calling me retarded? I understand everything you say but it just isn't relevant to the actual post
When you try to learn Spanish, you don't misspell deliquente? You don't spell it delinquente? And pronounce it god knows how! Nobody laughs at you then . They try to teach you. Even though you're arrogant ignorant. I'm not speaking of you average Joe, I'm telling you about your "PhD linguists" that actually have degrees in, idk, Latin... And they are there to teach others, new generation upon new generation of idiots (how would they know, their teacher, who's, like, most accredited conoseur of Latin speaks it like retard). You do realize that your PhD linguists say Teybyuley reyza for Tabula rasa (Latin expression for "blank slate"). How about that. Should I call them morons? They're the "smartest". How does that make you feel? Dumb? "You first see if you shat your pants, and then you accuse someone to stink" . You act like like all the ignorants I know. It's, like, a pattern.
Why are you acting like i laugh at people trying to learn language? And no, i would not misspell deliquente, because i would learn the way its spelled. Thats how learning another language works, you dont try and cling on to your own system that only works for your own language, you learn the new system for the new language. I also dont know why you keep assuming my language is english, you keep talking about "my" linguists and "my" language. English is not my language, i learned how to speak it because people taught me, just like the japanese people in this post. Of course i used to make many mistakes in the beginning because thats how learning works.
Lastly, i find it funny how everyone around you is wrong and only you know the truth. Must be difficult being the only person in the world who knows anything
Okay, do you know English linguist PhDs say it wrong. I will never believe you YOU can say it properly. It's not about trying, and years of practicing. There are people that literally can't learn how to say it. They don't have physical apparatus. Or they all just got used to it. I never in my life heard Englishman saying Tabula rasa how it should be said. Professors, and doctors, and lawyers, or philosophers or statesmen. Nobody. I'll give you an example from your language. Nobody pronounces van Gogh properly. Nobody. And, Serbs, for example, sorry I mention them, I know their rules of spelling, spell it Gog, they don't have 5 different Gs. So they can literally NEVER learn how to pronounce it. There's not a chance. Physically.
· 8 years ago
They are physically able to do it, they just cannot learn how to use their voice box in the way that is needed. Also tabula rasa is not difficult to pronounce correctly, not even to english people. It's just that most don't know how it's pronounced and so if someone around them would say it properly they wouldn't understand. Also I don't see why you have to bring up pronunciation again, because if you remember, this post is about writing, and writing alone.
ust saying this "teacher"...where from did he collect these mistakes. From an unexpected spelling test he gave them, from a class work where he asked them to write their favorite singer and they wrote Jakuson. You my friend could learn Serbian for twenty years, and then I can come and surprise you with a spelling written test, you @yimmye would, I bet 10000$ misspell your favorite singer. After twenty years of learning. Point is I would take your phones before the test or class work, as Japanesu were, and they wrote it any way they know how to write it. I assure you, 100% of Serbs, including hundreds of English teachers(who aren't English) wouldn't know how to spell for example American president van Beuren, Burren, Boeuren, which is completely common knowledge for American English speaker (and writer), without phone, or mini dictionary smuggled in a sleeve (which is a point of a SURPRISE test... 100%. The only difference is, Serbian student would stab you for giving him B- for misspel
I'm just correlating written and spoken language, cause Serbs and Japanese say Jakuson and write Jakuson, they don't know how it's written in original, there are people that never wrote it in original, and when you surprise them with a test, and ask them Who's your favorite singer (and never spelled Jakuson In front of them) they won't know. It's a surprise test. You shouldn't laugh at their "illiteracy", cause you laugh at their Hepburnu.
See. Now you made @jamespotter think these people are stupid and they don't know how to say big. They do say it dig. That's just like it is. It's their word now. And it's "dig". Laughing at that makes you racist.
I don't think you understand the meaning of racism. Racism is prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior.
So please, tell me again how laughing at someone for mispronouncing a word is racist.
· 8 years ago
Nobody is saying that it is wrong to make mistakes, and yes, even if you have been learning a language for years you still make the occasional error. That's totally fine. However, it is also totally fine to be amused by the creative ways in which people try to solve this problem by writing phonetically.
Eh, now it's not racist. See. "creative ways in which people try to solve problem ..." Every single word is written in intelligent, non mocking, gentle and gentlemen's way, as one well read, smart and well mannered guy I knew you were is supposed. Racist is, now I'm talking to @sincere_milkshake hag :) is when you mock people who try to please you by being more like you, and you laugh at them when they make mistakes that they are used to. This mocking is not as serious as mocking Jews that try to enter philharmonic orchestra (I'm talking about past times, in your countries, but unfortunately not in ours, plural) gays in the army, or gypsies in college ,but I would never laugh at Serbian Gypsy, they talk hindu language, for making few mistakes in grammar. Grammar nazi. :)
I provided you with the definition of racism, and you're still not using the word correctly. But maybe you missed it so I'll say it again.
Racism is prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior.
Yes, @sincere_milkshake Japanese are different race, you laugh at them. Just like a man who laughed at my friend for not speaking correctly (or writing, that's the same here). He also thought it was fun and amusing. I know your intentions are not to, I don't know the word..... when you speak to little children like they are dumb because they're younger, what's the word.... Something starting with cond-....talking down to them. But as I said you are not the one to judge on that. The one who's spelling amuses you is the one to say... My friend felt miserable, and inferior, and humiliated the same as calling him "the n word". Can you erase his "impressions" on that laughter? I erased teeth of that fucker. He's cured now. I cured hundreds from racism. I don't know how you call that feeling he felt he's inferior ,and guy gloated over him, making fun of him. I really think you're lost. God help you.
That is not racism. Your friend did not experinece racism when he was laughed at. How could you possibly compare being laughed at to being called a nigger? I have experienced racism and it's a lot different. You're so fucking ignorant. You talk about all of us living in bubbles, but you're so unwilling to learn and see things from other peoples point of view. There is no reasoning with you. Stop summoning me to this post.
* condensending, the word is condensending. That means you hurt my friend by laughing condensendly to him, like he is lower, than you speaking YOUR language. Him trying, and in trying, making a spelling mistake, in a language that he never heard or wrote before is lower than you, writing your own language. That's like white man knowing how to idk, dance a waltz, and black man tries, something he never tried before, and instead of 2-3-4, 2-3-4 waltzing steps he unwillingly goes his African steps and you laugh at him. You do realize those are Japanese, living in Japan. They probably never saw M. Monroe spelled in original. They have hour and a half a week of English class, and then about 120 h they go out, see Mrrin Monloe on the bus, on poster, on jacket, in cinema, in monument spelled NOT Monroe, for 15 years. I don't know how to spell her.
Would you just shut the fuck up already. You're comparing situations that you would never find yourself in to mispronouncing a fewwords. In the real world nobody gives a fuck. They'll correct you and get on with their day.
And how can you accurately be talking about the discrimination that black men could face when you yourself are not black? I don't know what sort of black people you hang around with, but it is not impossible for us to learn how to waltz.
And why would they spell Marylin Monroe as Mrrin monloe on a bus. Yes, English is not their first language, but they're not stupid.
You're an ignorant asshole, and there's no reasoning with you
Here I'll spell your famous writer - Jane Austin. Did I get it? Is it Austeen? Or maybe Ostine? Hell I don't know. (not being sarcastic, I really don't) . Why would you laugh at that? Laughing means there's something to be laughed at. Like "How don't they know how to spell that, it's ridiculous, everyone knows Jane Austin, or Michael Jackson" like we don't know them. We do... I know her work. I saw it. I just don't know how to spell her. Which is normal. I never saw her name. Literally. Like some people never saw a word "computer". The fucker I punched thought it's a common word, how could they miss it and not know it. And that offended my friend and made him feel less valuable. Well it's not common word. He doesn't have it. And you laugh at people using word for a first time and misusing it. Just because you think it's common and they're ridiculous for spelling it wrong. It's funny and cute for you, but offensive to them.
We're talking about that this whole time. These Japanese students were doing a spelling test. So, no phones. Without internet and autocorrect, I wouldn't know at least 9% of words on spelling check BECAUSE we use your words BUT spell them differently ice coffee - ajs kofi, cool - kul, wow -vau, and we see them 120h a week, for 20 years, on our TV, on buses, on everything and if you surprise me with a test and if I'm not sure if it's Austin Austeen or Ostine and I can't use a phone, all I have in head are buses, ads,and book covers THAT say Austin. That's all I see in front of my eyes. Can you understand that. @sincere_milkshake
If you're learning a language you're meant to study all the time. That's how you remember things.
And it's not my fault you're too ignorant to learn things for yourself.
Iagree. I said same as you, in years, you learn many stuff, and how to spell them, but professors, on colleges,make mistakes all the time. It's not about years of learning. It's not normal. When I use computer, I changed it all to English, but most of Serbians didn't, when I press a mouse button, it says Copy - Paste. When I speak with normal, young people I absentmindedly say Copy Paste, and they're like What? You mean Seci - Nalepi? I really thought everyone calls it Copy Paste (as a serbized word, Kopi Peist) I was surprised (I'm Jewish I called things in Yiddish till I was 7 I was surprised the whole world calls something, idk, web, even though they don't have w, but Serbs as nationalists use archaic words from 13th century, before the Turks. Croats are even worse, they got rid of all the germanisms, serbisms... They don't call potato krompir, it's anglicism - ground pear, or krtola, it's germanism kartopfl) They really don't know. They rarely see Copy. Japanese see Jakuson 120h
You can't even start to imagine. Your language is not 50% corrupted slavic words, as mine is 50% anglo -germanic. If you spent your whole life saying 10000 words of your language as corrupted Slavic words, and now try to learn a genuine Slavic language, you my dear would make mistakes weeell into your 20th year of learning it, if you left a 30 minute class and went into the English world with same words, but "corrupted" for the rest of the life. You either never saw the word or saw it "corrupted"
I really don't give a flying flick what you think also, but I'm allergic to the stench of racist condensensers, I smacked bunch of them, and set them on the right path, and oh my god how would I punch all of you stinky condescending fuckoes, I tell this so you know, in the future, the second you correct me in spelling or something, you teybyla reyza idiots (I'm sorry I can't remember any of ridiiiiculous spelling mistakes English people living in Serbia for 40years make... idiots. What would they do if they learned it in England, fucking "buon giornious "illiterate fucks)
That's not cool making fun of someone trying to learn another language. Young children that are English speakers when they are first learning to read and write do the same thing.
It's a whole transliteration language @sincere_milkshake bubble. And it's common knowledge, you know. They romanize all the words in "Hepburn Romanization". Most of them are Japanese, some are loans (English, German, even Portuguese) . Most people in the world don't translate, idk, ice coffee...or call girl. But some cannot pronounce it. Japanese call it call gerl(u), Serbs call it call gerl(a), it must sound girlish, must end with "a". Cannot end in "rl". #burst the bubble
You don't say. I believe Serbian is the ONLY language that doesn't have that difference. You write it EXACTLY as you read it. I know people don't read as they write, why is that even a subject. I'm telling you Japanese don't say(and write) drift they say darifuto d(a)rif(u)t(o), there's no Japanese word for that, they use yours, but they can't pronounce it. Literally. Their jaw blocks. So they say (AND write) it da-ri-fu-to
Same as you use "my word" vampir, but you can't pronounce it so you say vemp(a)ir. Don't let me even start on Buon giornoU. You don't say it with U in the end. You stop at O. Buon giornO. No buon giornoU. You sound like an idiot. Or pronouncing Victor Hugo (pronouncing it like Hugo Boss).
I haven't seen it yet, but I can imagine. It's not how Serbs are I presume. They're much worse. Film is probably softened for western audience. You should watch black wave movies, to see ridiculousness of their savage instinct for violence. :)@arabesque
Ugh. You made me go into capslock princess mode.
You asked for something, I gave you what you wanted, and you're still not happy.
I'm done with you
These students are wrong, so we have to correct them.
Lastly, i find it funny how everyone around you is wrong and only you know the truth. Must be difficult being the only person in the world who knows anything
So please, tell me again how laughing at someone for mispronouncing a word is racist.
Racism is prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior.
And how can you accurately be talking about the discrimination that black men could face when you yourself are not black? I don't know what sort of black people you hang around with, but it is not impossible for us to learn how to waltz.
And why would they spell Marylin Monroe as Mrrin monloe on a bus. Yes, English is not their first language, but they're not stupid.
You're an ignorant asshole, and there's no reasoning with you
And it's not my fault you're too ignorant to learn things for yourself.
2.. If it's kids, it's funnier.
I've learnt foreign languages, and there is a huge difference between speaking and writing.