But those groups are very different. Most white Americans or British, though, are pretty hard to pick apart. Or, rather, you can't. Even when you think "Irish", they have a whole piechart, of 25% irish, 10% polish, .8% native american, 64.2% other.
Apples and oranges. China is one of many asian countries and has a wider ethnic variety than the whole of europe. White pretty much refers to any ethnos lighter than light brown. Person #2 sounds like a white wannabe victim. Or as Pepe likes to put it when it comes to any offended non-white person: butthurt much.
Edited 8 years ago
· 8 years ago
I had an old friend back in primary school who was chinese and he said that he hated when people said that chinese people dont look the same. Dont know why. He just did
More seriously, I was in a mall in an asian country one time with my mom, and I looked beside me, and it wasn't actually my mom, and I had almost grabbed her hand
-a white