The people I know are not criminals, and they're here legally. Hopefully they are safe. However, Trump seems to do this out of fear. He is not sending back only criminal muslims, he's getting rid of basically ALL of them. I don't know what he's going to do to everyone else who isn't like him.
Don't pretend there's only one problem coming from this. This is brewing fear, and hate. People will be shunned, if not killed. Many will no longer feel safe in their homes.
"hopefully they are safe"?????
What in hell is wrong with you?
You act like you're a Jew and Hitler just took over. If you really believe this crap you're spouting and aren't just trolling, you're hopeless.
I don't mean to be an asshole but damn already!
I'm hispanic, i'm gay, and female. Of course i should be worried. Our leaders do not show support for these people. I don't feel safe or supported in my own country. If I'm acting like Hitler just took over, it's perfectly reasonable. This man's refugee policy is just like the Jew persecution. We are harming and shunning people because of their beliefs. I am ashamed of our country.
Edited 8 years ago
· 8 years ago
"He is not sending back only criminal muslims, he's getting rid of basically ALL of them."
I'm gonna need a credible source for me to take that seriously.
I forgot to add, he's worded the executive order so that Christian immigrants are literally prioritized over Muslims and other religions. What the fuck?
Edited 8 years ago
· 8 years ago
What I got from those two articles was that a Federal Judge declared his ban Unconstitutional. Look at that, checks and balances.
Second, I got that what he wants to do is get rid of all illegal immigrants who have violated more than just crossing the border in any respect. Given how great a feat that appears to be, I'd rate the chances of him getting half of what he wants as requiring a Herculean effort.
From what I read "He is not sending back only criminal muslims, he's getting rid of basically ALL of them," remains objectively false. Banning Muslims from 7 countries =/= getting rid of them. Claiming this is just like the Jewish Persecution is also objectively false. The Jewish Prosecution boils down to 3 sentences that became enforced as law
1. You do not have the right to live among us as equals
2. You do not have the right to live among us
3. You do not have the right to live
When you make these statements that border on absurdity, you weaken your own cause.
@chilledtothebone "what the fuck" is that under Obama (who still swears he is not a Muslim) Muslims were automatically given preferential treatment. This is a problem for two reasons.
First- it is MUSLIM extremism we are fighting (and losing to, by the way).
Second- when these so-called "refugees" want asylum they ALMOST ALWAYS claim religious persecution. The problem with that is that these are Muslims and they are coming from Muslim countries. Do I really need to explain to you the basic problem with Muslims claiming to be persecuted by Muslims???
This preferential treatment of CHRISTIANS is for REFUGEES CLAIMING RELIGIOUS PERSECUTION! Not just any old visa seekers. Do I really need to explain to you that it is more believable that Christians might be more likely to be persecuted in a Muslim country than Muslims?
Get a grip.
My mom is from Mexico and she's been a LEGAL citizen since 1976. Would someone please tell me what she has to worry about now that Trump is president? Something logical and can be proven please.
Okay, and really I don't feel bad for people that have kids here and have been here illegally for over like 2 o 3 years because like. If you have had all that time to go and get your american citizenship and all that time to worry about being arrested you'd think that they'd eventually go get it
Those that have been here for a long time and those that were brought as kids (the so-called dreamers) are a sticky issue. Trump hasn't really addressed them or killed DACA just yet. I'm sure some form of amnesty will still happen for at least some cases.
Wow guest, it's really brave for you to call yourself that, especially in a world like this. Would you like to make an account and debate me? Or are you just here to call people names and then leave because you don't actually know what you're talking about. Because I am definitely not like those people who are crazy femanazi's or anything like that, I'm a pretty middle guy who doesn't like to get his nose in stuff. But I agree that some form of amnesty will probably happen guest who
Okay, isuck479 I agree that we do need to help them get citizenship, and become permanent citizens in this country, but I mean how do you want us to do that? Do you want us to change the way it has always been? Change the way that people have always entered this country just because there are so many illegals here that don't want to become legals? They don't want to do that because of tax evasion, as long as they aren't citizens here, they don't have to pay any of our federal taxes, other then when they go out and actually buy stuff.
@dozier524 you have hit the problem squarely on the head. In addition to the possible criminals, we must also weed out those who have no desire to assimilate into our culture. We need to stop being the world's ATM. We have too many Americans and those who truly want to become Americans who could use a hand up to continue wasting our resources on those who do not even like America.
@gueswho I completely agree with you. I think that really we need people in this country, and if you're gonna come here on a green card then maybe you should be kind of on a watchlist. Like I know that it may seem kind of messed up, but the amount of people that stay past there green card amounts to more than any other type of Illegal immigration that's here. About 40%
Temporary halt on immigrants from 7 countries with STRONG ties to terrorist groups, the list of the 7 countries was made by Obama, Who also put on an Immigration ban on one of those countries (IRAN) in 2011, and back then no one gave a &#$%, but now that Trump does it, it is completely unethical and unacceptable. This is not a MUSLIM ban, the TOP 5 MUSLIM NATIONS ON EARTH are not even on this list. 5 of these 7 countries Obama has been dropping bombs on for 8 years. How many people on this site lock their doors before they go to sleep? how many people let strangers into their homes? Some of these countries (believe it or not) don't have the files and records systems we do in the US, so that makes background checks extremely difficult, if not impossible. People that don't take this serious baffle me. He's doing exactly as he said he was going to do, following through on his campaign promises, from day 1. and somehow people are surprised. A president putting America first? wow.......
He banned refugees not Muslims, he legally can't ban them for their religion and due to all the shit going on in Europe with their refugees it's kind of smart to do for now
Other guest here. First result when I googled "Trump Christian refugees" :
There are a lot more sources to corroborate this.
Also, I live in Europe, and I don't know what is this "shit going on in Europe with their refugees". It's a logistical nightmare, but refugees have all the reasons to be loyal and respectful to the country and continent that welcomed them. It's also an economical disaster for our countries, but only for a few years. One dollar invested in a migrant will be given back to the host country fifteen- to fourty-fold, according to various economic studies. In five years, the first mass wave of Syrian and Iraqi refugees will be an integral part of our workforce, and not only in manual labor. They will live in our countries, work in them, pay their taxes, buy local. From a strictly economical point of view, it's a short-term secure investment.
So first off you link me to CNN which is NOTORIOUS for misinformation, it also doesn't show the whole behind his reasoning
Which says it favors those who are " religious minorities in their countries "
And as for " shit going on in Europe " I'm talking about all of the refugees that threw hissy fits when they were given food and clothing and instead demanded money and jobs. As well as the thousands of rape cases that are being left ignored because no one wants to be seen as racist and the HUGE call for implementing Sharia law. You have to be living under a rock if you're in Europe and haven't heard of any of this.
· 8 years ago
diyrogue the refugee crisis is a mess. He wants to not only ban refugees but immagrants too.
· 8 years ago
ILLEGAL immigrants.
Not the people who actually worked to get into America legally.
Yes Trump is pro immigration. At least as common sense defines it; of course the Democrats define it very differently. Trump is simply pro America, which means protecting our country and our citizens first. He (and I and most everyone I know) are just fine with people from other lands trying to make a better life. Just do it legally!
· 8 years ago
The 90 day ban thing is the exact same thing Obama did.
You can't really claim that he's pro immigration when everything he's done so far has been to limit immigration and impose a higher burden on specific groups of immigrants, while turning away refugees outright. Legal immigration is only becoming harder, encouraging people to come illegally.
But that's not the truth at all is it? Everything he's done so far has been to make ILLEGAL immigration harder, and to actually encourage LEGAL immigration. First thing is to stop the deluge of illegals flooding in, then look at possibly overhauling the legal immigration system. As for the so-called refugees, they are a big problem all over the world right now aren't they? They must be vetted before simply turning loose a bunch of potential rapists and terrorists into our midst. Why don't you ask a German or French citizen what is happening in Europe?
I'm afraid you have your facts completely backward on this subject.
What has he done for legal immigration? Even if he's "looked" at it, he has never had any plans to overhaul the system. Moreover, what makes the refugees "so-called"?
· 8 years ago
"Moreover, what makes the refugees 'so-called'"
They may fit the description of a refugee, but what they have done makes it seem almost terrorist. Now, before you jump on me and attack me like people always do, THEY RAPED AND MURDERED A UN OFFICIAL, literally have a game called the rape game, are responsible for the skyrocketed crime rates in left-leaning Europe.
That's what he's doing you retard!
Muslims ARE NOT FUCKING BANNED!!!! We only just have a TEMPORARY moratorium on visas from certain countries that are known for turning out terrorists UNTIL WE CAN FUCKING CHECK THEM!!!!!
Use just a little bit of intelligence, please.
Not at all. It's only a temporary pause. If you order something from Amazon and they tell you it's on backorder and will be 2 weeks longer do you think they are not going to send it? A ban would mean "never". This is TEMPORARY until we can sort out the refugees from the murderers. Kinda seems like a good idea to me, but I don't really want to die. And even if we want to say it's a "ban", it's not a Muslim ban; it's only a select few countries. There are Muslims in more places than just Syria. You are spreading a lie by repeating this bs. Stop it.
Coincidentally, the select few countries are the ones the US is bombing right now. Just saying. Sure, the initial fault is on Obama but Trump is sure as hell going to continue.
Also, fake passports are a thing. Anyone with enough wealth and connections to make a fucking bomb or get a gun also has enough wealth and connections to get a fake passport. In other words, it's not helping sort anything out, it's just screwing over the people who are too poor bypass the system.
He also only took in like single digit christian refugees last year but also took in thousands of Muslim refugees. Also, the most populous Muslim countries aren't banned.
I agree with @publis_cornelius_ The amount of total immigrants that Obama let in was a little under 500, but trump said that the number of immigrants that he wanted in each year was around 50,000 people, over 10 times the amount each year, then the amount that Obama let in during all 8 of his years. So @i_ I think that you really ought to check your facts before you go and become the devil's advocate
I ain't supporting anyone. As a matter of fact, I'm against everyone. What Devils advocacy am I even performing? All I said was that bombs are easy to make.
I'm really scared as to what he's going to do to mexicans now.
Did you get in here illegally?
You're fucking fine.
Don't pretend there's only one problem coming from this. This is brewing fear, and hate. People will be shunned, if not killed. Many will no longer feel safe in their homes.
What in hell is wrong with you?
You act like you're a Jew and Hitler just took over. If you really believe this crap you're spouting and aren't just trolling, you're hopeless.
I don't mean to be an asshole but damn already!
I'm gonna need a credible source for me to take that seriously.
are you going to read anything, or just pretend this man is some world hero? He's doing nobody a favor. He's banned more than 200 million people from the united states, and stopped the admission of all refugees for 120 days. He's just creating fear and confusion. Convince yourself whatever you want, but when you actually do some research you'll realize he's just making even more chaos happen worldwide.
Second, I got that what he wants to do is get rid of all illegal immigrants who have violated more than just crossing the border in any respect. Given how great a feat that appears to be, I'd rate the chances of him getting half of what he wants as requiring a Herculean effort.
From what I read "He is not sending back only criminal muslims, he's getting rid of basically ALL of them," remains objectively false. Banning Muslims from 7 countries =/= getting rid of them. Claiming this is just like the Jewish Persecution is also objectively false. The Jewish Prosecution boils down to 3 sentences that became enforced as law
1. You do not have the right to live among us as equals
2. You do not have the right to live among us
3. You do not have the right to live
When you make these statements that border on absurdity, you weaken your own cause.
First- it is MUSLIM extremism we are fighting (and losing to, by the way).
Second- when these so-called "refugees" want asylum they ALMOST ALWAYS claim religious persecution. The problem with that is that these are Muslims and they are coming from Muslim countries. Do I really need to explain to you the basic problem with Muslims claiming to be persecuted by Muslims???
This preferential treatment of CHRISTIANS is for REFUGEES CLAIMING RELIGIOUS PERSECUTION! Not just any old visa seekers. Do I really need to explain to you that it is more believable that Christians might be more likely to be persecuted in a Muslim country than Muslims?
Get a grip.
There are a lot more sources to corroborate this.
Also, I live in Europe, and I don't know what is this "shit going on in Europe with their refugees". It's a logistical nightmare, but refugees have all the reasons to be loyal and respectful to the country and continent that welcomed them. It's also an economical disaster for our countries, but only for a few years. One dollar invested in a migrant will be given back to the host country fifteen- to fourty-fold, according to various economic studies. In five years, the first mass wave of Syrian and Iraqi refugees will be an integral part of our workforce, and not only in manual labor. They will live in our countries, work in them, pay their taxes, buy local. From a strictly economical point of view, it's a short-term secure investment.
Which says it favors those who are " religious minorities in their countries "
And as for " shit going on in Europe " I'm talking about all of the refugees that threw hissy fits when they were given food and clothing and instead demanded money and jobs. As well as the thousands of rape cases that are being left ignored because no one wants to be seen as racist and the HUGE call for implementing Sharia law. You have to be living under a rock if you're in Europe and haven't heard of any of this.
Not the people who actually worked to get into America legally.
I'm afraid you have your facts completely backward on this subject.
They may fit the description of a refugee, but what they have done makes it seem almost terrorist. Now, before you jump on me and attack me like people always do, THEY RAPED AND MURDERED A UN OFFICIAL, literally have a game called the rape game, are responsible for the skyrocketed crime rates in left-leaning Europe.
Muslims ARE NOT FUCKING BANNED!!!! We only just have a TEMPORARY moratorium on visas from certain countries that are known for turning out terrorists UNTIL WE CAN FUCKING CHECK THEM!!!!!
Use just a little bit of intelligence, please.
Also, fake passports are a thing. Anyone with enough wealth and connections to make a fucking bomb or get a gun also has enough wealth and connections to get a fake passport. In other words, it's not helping sort anything out, it's just screwing over the people who are too poor bypass the system.