A teacher is grading a test somewhere
8 years ago by goghred · 1706 Likes · 20 comments · Popular
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· 8 years ago
People constantly yell at teachers here when we ask for increase in paycheck. They say "You don't have to work for holidays, you have the longest summer vacation, you work for 6 h a day...". Yeah, I work for 9h at least, not 6 and school being closed for students during the summer doesn't mean we're free, we have vacation as long as yours.
· 8 years ago
Yeah, that sucks, people barely work and want a raise, my mother was a teacher and for 37 years she worked 12 hours a day (Two different schools, close to each other) she never asked for a raise and she also used to have another work and sometimes she had to travel, in the hotel she even did work and checked tests, damn i feel proud of her.
· 8 years ago
I work on the side, there's simply not enough money. I don't want to smother you with my life story, but I earn 1500$ a year (120$ per month) , i spend it on 5th day
· 8 years ago
Damn dude, that's rough.
· 8 years ago
Tough times - rough guys
· 8 years ago
yeah.. but they decided that they want this job. they should know this before they study and apply for the job. i mean.. teachers have my full respect for the job they doing, but this stuff is part of their job.. it's normal for most teachers to do this.
· 8 years ago
"It's normal" is never an excuse for something to be going wrong. "It's normal" just means it's been going wrong for a long time. Teachers need to be better paid and better esteemed.
· 8 years ago
yes. but see it this way.. a lot of jobs have such problems.. not only teachers have this kind of problem. it's a shitty job-world we live in Today.
Edited 8 years ago
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· 8 years ago
So pick part of it, and do something towards fixing it.
· 8 years ago
I don't know how it functions in your systems, but don't people who's boss tells them "We have a deadline tomorrow can you finish this at home" say "Totally, dude boss, but I get payed for over hours". Teachers basically don't get recognized on this matter. Female teachers get even worse. They're housewives too. So, prepping for school (like ironing and shaving legs and other stuff) preparing food for children and also ironing them, 6h. No time to rest.
· 8 years ago
i don't know how it's @ your location, but here where i live you are happy if you just have a job. and if your boss says "can you please work X hours more?" you mostly say yes because otherwise you have soon no job anymore. there is often no "i do it, but you pay me for it" or such stuff.. you just think for yourself "f*ck that sucks" and do what you need to do based on what your boss says. teachers have even a harder situation because there are no much schools he/she could get another job if he/she loses his/her job on one school.
Edited 8 years ago
· 8 years ago
Same here @sosa_jp unless you orally satisfy mostly male but also female boss, who's always the grossest living being
Edited 8 years ago
· 8 years ago
They're not doing a very good job. My kid's an idiot!
· 8 years ago
You're the one doing the teaching wrong lol, learn to teach kids
· 8 years ago
No I don't have any kids.
· 8 years ago
My son is homeschooled and when he first started I was SHOCKED at all the stuff we had to buy for him that a teacher would normally supply for a classroom. I thought "Ok, some pencils, paper, folders, notebooks, glue, an occasional project." No. Science alone had daily projects where we had to go buy flowers, pots, and soil. Some projects needed 3 pots for one experiment. A teacher would have to buy 3 pots per kid in the classroom. And with so many projects that money stacks up quickly. In my sons first month of school we spent around $150-$200 for science projects alone and that's just one kid.
· 8 years ago
School refunds most of that, but they don't pay for my additional literature, they say it is my problem, but if I don't teach kids well they threaten to ditch me
· 8 years ago
My sons teacher said it's all out of pocket for her. The school doesn't pay/refund for the project supplies, just the necessary school supplies. Pencils, paper, glue, rulers, ect.
· 8 years ago
Yeah, yeah that's what I meant. That's about all I have , paper, pens... I teach philosophy, I don't have globes, gyroscopes, frogs and formaldehyde. But I buy everything else. Once I bought bull's eye (for Plato's all seeing eye) in the butcher's
· 8 years ago
If it took you a minute to read that, you need to appreciate, and listen to your teachers a LOT more than you currently do.