Someone probably did and is the first and only known case of someone becoming retarded from being vaccinated.
· 8 years ago
So it looks like yogi didn't take basic biology and didn't take any sort of statistics. Also by reading their sentences they didn't do too well in English. So what did you learn?
Hey yogi bear, are you being a troll because you think it's funny or because you're just an ignorant jackass who refuses to learn? Don't worry, I'm a guest who will never have to suffer through your ridiculous answer. And it doesn't matter anyways, because no matter what, you're an asshole.
Genuinely laughed out loud (instead of heavily inhaling through my nose). Funniest comment all day because it's like Schrodinger's cat, you dig?
The comment is both a troll and not a troll until otherwise verified. If a troll, it shows how little humanity exists in yogi. If not a troll, then it details the stupidity of yogi.
Either way, it's a brilliant way of illustrating just how important vaccines are because otherwise your children will end up like yogi here.
· 8 years ago
Not getting vaccinated causes mental retardation. Yogi is a fine example of this
Did you just fucking say being gay was a mental behavior issue? And caused by vaccines? I'm sorry, I need to excuse myself to go laugh.
Edited 8 years ago
· 8 years ago
i genuinely want to see what evidence yogi has towards his claims. show the receipts and give us scientific evidence to prove what you're saying, I'm pretty sure you're the one with brain damage yogi
Yogi, can you repeat that in English? I could not make sense of any of the shit you just spewed.
· 8 years ago
If you aren't vaccinated and get a sickness and survive you pass on the antibodies to your children. If you get vaccinated, those antibodies are not passed on. I'm not for or against them, I believe it should be a choice. It is their body. I'm not vaccinated due to an alergic reaction my sister had that other kids had that ended up on the news. My mother loves her children and doesn't want to risk it. Not to mention when she told our doctor she wasn't vaccinating her other kids, he fully supported her. I think you'll find there are many doctors against it but they have to say they're for it. Some doctors get paid extra for each child they vaccinate.
Your antibodies are not passed on. Well, they do, but it's only temporary and your baby will lose their immunity after a few weeks/months. If a mother has children that she loves and doesn't want to risk anything, would she rather have autistic children (even though there is next to NO connection between autism and vaccines), or dead children? Also, doctors do not get paid extra for every child they vaccinate. Can we not fabricate information to make a point? I'd like a reputable source for that information.
The reason vaccines aren't passed to children is because the vaccine doesn't change your generic makeup. That's what's being passed to offspring when they're conceived. What happens to an individuals body such as a broken arm won't be transferred to the child.
The whole point of a vaccine is to give your body the antibodies to fight off an illness, by introducing a dead or weakened version of the disease into your body. You're tons more likely to survive a vaccination than a lot of the illnesses you might get. Moreover, any antibodies that are passed to the child disappear in about 6-8 months after birth. Most immunities cannot be passed down a lineage.
The sun isn't an airborne and highly infectious pathogen. The sun doesn't live on the surfaces you touch and eat off of. The sun doesn't spread from person to person. The damage the sun can do to your eyes is almost laughable compared to viral meningitis which can occur from many of the diseases which we try to vaccinate against.
A mercury compound, previously found in some vaccines as a preservative. Though, the amount of mercury from the few vaccines I've gotten in my life is negligible compared to the heavy metals and arsenic I get from my usual diet of fish and rice.
Dosage is important when it comes to medicine. Yes, thiomerosal is harmful to humans. So are diseases. So is salt, and water, and iron, and iodine. It's all about how much you intake. Even for things like cyanide which are definitely harmful, your body can handle and expel the small amounts from the food you eat, with very little effect.
n previous studies the effects of Thimerosal on the risks of neurodevelop-
mental disorders in the United States was evaluated. It was determined that an
approximately two- to eight-fold significantly increased risk for neurodevelop-
mental disorders existed, dependent on the condition or symptoms examined,
following administration of Thimerosal-containing diphtheria–tetanus–acellular
pertussis (DTaP) vaccines in comparison to Thimerosal-free DTaP vaccines,
based on assessment of the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS)
database. In addition, significant associations between administration of
Thimerosal-containing vaccines and neurodevelopmental disorders have been
observed based on examinations of the U.S. Department of Education
database and the CDC Vaccine Safety Datalink (VSD) database (Geier & Geier,
2003a, 2003b, 2003c, 2004a, 2004b, 2004c, 2005a).
Toxicological & Environmental Chemistry June 4, 2009; 91(4): 735-749 – Study found that thimerosal-induced cellular damage caused concentration- and time-dependent mitochondrial damage, reduced oxidative-reduction activity, cellular degeneration, and cell death.
Thimerosal at low concentrations induced significant cellular toxicity in human neuronal and fetal cells. Thimerosal was found to be significantly more toxic than the other metal compounds examined.
It's public knowledge
This entire thread oh my god. I commend everyone who took part in trying to educate yogi. They were valiant efforts, even if they recipient didn't get the message
Present facts gets laughed at...SMH
people believe what the Drug companies tell the, has to get child mental behavior assesed....lmao! Keep getting vaccinated big pharma need your money...
Just because most people agree with it doesn't make it right, scientific facts doesn't mean everything either. I will not say that vaccination is or is not necessary.
But please keep the arguments calm, don't call anyone barbarians. People have different opinions, we should try to understand each other.
You can sing sing kumbaya about what's your favorite band or game or tv show, but not about science and the question if people suffer and possibly die or not. Its not about what most people agree on, but when science does, that counts, and it's not outweighed by some backseat-drivers on the net who did some "research".
Some kids who aren't vaccinated still lives. Increased risk doesn't mean 100% fact. Science may have proven something to be true, but it may not be the truth. Now we see that vaccination is necessary, but that doesn't make it always true.
We also know from thousands of years experience that disease is bad for you so why the fuck wouldn't you take the necessary steps to prevent the diseases that are extremely deadly when they can be prevented entirely?
But then there many "facts" we have known for thousands of years but it turns out to be false. For example, People thought that earth is flat, no one questioned that for many years. We see vaccination as necessary today, but we can't know if this will change in the future.
· 8 years ago
I would say that we shouldn't let people like this ^ reproduce but it's not like their kids would live long
Okay, so I'm going to say one last thing, because I finally figured out. Nothing is always right or wrong. Vaccination is necessary at a certain time, and it will be straight up not allowed at other times. If there is a strong disease that can spread can kill people, then vaccination is necessary, but if no serious disease is around, vaccination shouldn't be done. Some people enforce vaccination, because they see are looking at a certain situation, Some people are against vaccination, because they are looking at it in a different situation. I'm going to end my argument right here.
But that's what I've been doing. You call my points bulls***, but I could have did the same thing with the counter arguments. But instead I read them patiently and came up with responses.
Didnt the "doctor" that factored the study lose his license? And if I remember correctly, wasn't there an investigation into his research and findings that showed he had actually falsified a grand part of the study to create a false conclusion? Also, if you research a bit, you can see most children develops autism around the age of the vaccines in question whether they've had them or not. Science
The comment is both a troll and not a troll until otherwise verified. If a troll, it shows how little humanity exists in yogi. If not a troll, then it details the stupidity of yogi.
Either way, it's a brilliant way of illustrating just how important vaccines are because otherwise your children will end up like yogi here.
@yogithebear (°-°)
Autism is a genetic characteristic, it is not caused by chemicals
mental disorders in the United States was evaluated. It was determined that an
approximately two- to eight-fold significantly increased risk for neurodevelop-
mental disorders existed, dependent on the condition or symptoms examined,
following administration of Thimerosal-containing diphtheria–tetanus–acellular
pertussis (DTaP) vaccines in comparison to Thimerosal-free DTaP vaccines,
based on assessment of the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS)
database. In addition, significant associations between administration of
Thimerosal-containing vaccines and neurodevelopmental disorders have been
observed based on examinations of the U.S. Department of Education
database and the CDC Vaccine Safety Datalink (VSD) database (Geier & Geier,
2003a, 2003b, 2003c, 2004a, 2004b, 2004c, 2005a).
Thimerosal at low concentrations induced significant cellular toxicity in human neuronal and fetal cells. Thimerosal was found to be significantly more toxic than the other metal compounds examined.
It's public knowledge
people believe what the Drug companies tell the, has to get child mental behavior assesed....lmao! Keep getting vaccinated big pharma need your money...
But please keep the arguments calm, don't call anyone barbarians. People have different opinions, we should try to understand each other.
We see smoking as bad with scientific proves, but could we be wrong, we may never know.