If I have a situation that has to include two or more emotions tied together with a circumstance; I tell myself "I bet the Germans have a perfect word for this".
· 8 years ago
not correct (i'm german).
toy = Spiel-zeug = play stuff OR game stuff (depends on how you translate it).
tool = Werkzeug OR Hilfsmittel
.. and not "zeug"..
your meme is bad and you should feel bad.. (now i can finally flame a english guy for his bad german like the english guys flame me everytime for my bad english, yay.. jk.. *hugs you*)
Edited 8 years ago
· 8 years ago
Someone told me once that English was two deaf (I can't remember the language group) working their way through a German dictionary, but Google is telling there is no saying even close to that. Not relevant, just saying.
toy = Spiel-zeug = play stuff OR game stuff (depends on how you translate it).
tool = Werkzeug OR Hilfsmittel
.. and not "zeug"..
your meme is bad and you should feel bad.. (now i can finally flame a english guy for his bad german like the english guys flame me everytime for my bad english, yay.. jk.. *hugs you*)
object = Objekt
but yes^^
do you think this is weird / dumb^^? i think it's a normal word, but hey.. i'm born in germany, maybe thats why :D