Nah. You said birch. You're the fucking slender, fast-growing tree that has thin bark (often peeling) and bears catkins. Growing chiefly in north temperate regions, some reaching the northern limit of tree growth.
I hope someone rolls your ass with toilet paper.
What are we coming too? Imagine our children, what they're going to be like. Someone saying "I just got married" or "I'm going to the store" is going to make them have a hissy fit.
· 8 years ago
I remember watching cartoons when the challenger exploded.
I was playing madden when the first tower fell.
Basically, all these jackasses just want a safe space from anyone who implies that their worldview might be slightly flawed, or that there are kinds of injury that aren't purely physical. I've actually heard more people bitching about the concept of safe spaces than I've heard ask for or use a safe space.
· 8 years ago
The only need for safe spaces are for people with true PTSD and rape victims, nothing else.
There are always changes that occurs within a generation that the previous one won't understand. I'm 35, I watched the challenge blow up, I was in college when the towers went down, neither event traumatized me. However, we did have people protesting abortion on campus, in the worst possible way. They were handing out pamphlets with pictures of aborted babies and had several 10X10 posters of the various stages of abortion. I saw a woman break down screaming, then throw whatever she could at the signs while crying and curl into a ball in the middle of the grass. Witnessing that has been burned into my mind, I can't imagine what she went through. She deserves a place to go. When a soldier gets back from a tour and is trying to get through college but is at a breaking point because he's trying to memorize dates about a war when he just got back from one; he deserves a place to go. But if you're mad because someone calls you a name, that safe place isn't for you.
Ehhh, to some extent. Thing is, everyone has their own past. I have a friend who for two years had panic attacks if someone called her "bitch," or just yelled it loud enough near her, because that was her ex's cue word that he was about to strangle her. Yes, it's a (depressingly) common thing that's gonna happen in everyday life, but she REALLY needed a place she could go to not hear that, and if she was at work, "home" was not an option.
I live in Philly, I was in 8th grade when the towers went down, they had us all evacuated to outside of city limits because they all thought our buildings would be targets and then flight 93 crashed in Pa. Our parents had to come get us from delco pa
Before any smartass
I hope someone rolls your ass with toilet paper.
I was playing madden when the first tower fell.