Why not just classify all humans as type A or type B? Why have any other such distinction? Two genders is already too much. Only filthy sjws need a gender.
Removal of labels A and B is an effort to try to eradicate the the difference from normal people and people who think we need to get rid of them ..is age also a social construct.....?
Only for perverts and child molesters. No big deal, right?
I'm all for men and women being equal, and transexuality, but at the end of the day. It's men. And women.
Because. Science?
Not sure what sjw's have to do with this, but, okay.. I'm sure some of them bathe
2 genders is too many wtf .
It fucking 2 the only 2 there is
I'm all for men and women being equal, and transexuality, but at the end of the day. It's men. And women.
We're really good at that