To be fair they have a smaller population and you hardly see any of them needing to rely on welfare solely ( I legit know quite a few people who's families have a few of them on welfare and foodstamps and the income of the others go to things like $300 Jordans and Gucci stuff )
@diyrogue is right. Plus Denmark and its northern Eurpoean neighbours have extremely high tax rates to support all this Government spending. This moves these countries closer and closer to Socialism - which metritocractic nations, like the US and Singapore strongly oppose.
It'd be great if the citizens didn't actually take advantage of it or if it was harder to get taken advantage of. And again we are a larger country. Denmark doesn't even have 6 million while the US has over 300 million. And they have about 50% of their paychecks going to taxes, and I'm pretty sure you wouldn't appreciate working hard full time only for half of your money going to people who are cheating the system.
There will always be those who cheat the system, sure, but I believe that to cultivate a society you can trust, on the whole, requires cultivating conditions that demonstrate trust. I think most people are essentially worth it.
And by the way, I'm not American.
My family's effective tax rate is already in the 40% ballpark. I cannot afford to go higher again, but my state will raise my property taxes again next year just like they do every year. I know people that hit the wall and have to downsize into urban areas, cities and states will not stop until we are all indentured.
I get the point first made by first comment and by first repky that this will be higher takes and socialism, and being from a socialist country I hate it (because it is the evil practice of socialist theory). But I believe. In an ideeal situation' I wouldn't mind paying higher taxes if that kind of benefits are provided. (Ideal situation meaning it is really going back to the community and everyone is benefeting of it not just some people and we are really all contribuying to better services thay we all truly befñnefit from. But i know that is fantasy)
You forgot "crippling respect for privacy and a somewhat baffling expectation that others follow suit." There's a common joke that Danes don't use blinkers because it's none of your business where we're going. So if a scientist trots up and ask some Danes if they're happy with their life, they could literally be on fire and they would still answer "yes" or "it's alright" just to make him bud out.
I'm not saying that's the only reason we're always so high in those tests, buuuut...
· 8 years ago
Socialism only works when you don't have hundreds of thousands of immigrants flooding your country
It's not free. It's paid for with tax dollars. That's why the minimum wage is higher because more of their wages go to taxes. Not saying any system is better than anyone else's. Glad u guys r happy with your system. Also they have a smaller population. And less immigrants I think?
Sorry to say but this is partially bs. 37.5 hours is minimum full time and no free child care. It is still a great welfare system (with the downside of upto 60+ % income tax) but just to have the facts
And by the way, I'm not American.
I'm not saying that's the only reason we're always so high in those tests, buuuut...