@mr creepy. Just Fyi. For psychiatry, you need an md. With a psy.d, it is clinical psychology. My personal bias is getting a phd if you are going into the clinical psych field. More options. Depends on what you are into. If you go the psychiatry route, you make more money, but you spend a lot of time doing 20 minute session med checks. See a lot of folks seeing 3 people an hour all day long. I at least get them for 50 minutes. Good luck though! You are obviously into helping people.
You are right about it being a long time, but the time will pass anyway. If it is your passion, don't let anything stand in your way. No one can ever take your education away.
My son cut his forehead open and you could see his nerves and blood vessels and veins. It was so cool. There was blood everywhere but he acted like nothing even happened.
· 8 years ago
*screams internally because I didn't need to see that*
how is there no blood? unless the blade cauterized, there would be blood, no matter what the material
· 8 years ago
such an interesting image. i once split my leg open and could see the bone. to bad that was before the internet was like this... i think it was 1993... wow some of you were not even born yet... i feel old.
Im okay dominick, in on mood stabilizers and have lots of support at home and a therapist and psychiatrist, along with plenty of friends. I may never be totally okay, but im more than happy to have survived. Thank you though!! If you were talking to me anyways, im to one who responded to seros joke. I shouldve taken it more lightly, but i just dont think people understand what theyre joking about sometimes, so it just set me off.
Well I'm sorry I don't think it's okay to make jokes about something as serious as self harm? It may seem funny if you've never done it or been affected by it, but its no laughing matter. Those who do it for attention may make it seem like a ridiculous issue or hilarious, but it really isn't. Its a hard cycle to get out of, and a lot of it comes with eventual suicidal tendencies like mine did. My comment can get downvoted forever for not thinking your joke was funny, you can just sit here and say hat I'm triggered all day, but at the end of the day, its a fucked up joke to make, and suicidal tendencies and self harm should never be seen as a subject of humor.
That must hurt like hell!
I've always wanted to see the inside of adipose fat.
Time to cut a fat bitch
oh look
an emo can't take a joke
just as i thought
It's just indecent.