Both should be put in a pit with a week's worth of food and a gun with three bullets. And we hold re-elections, each of the new candidates having a hard budget of ten million. Any more spent on campaigning=disqualification.
And because I'm not registered because I'm lazy.
And because I can't stand either of them. Any of them. I hate election season and I've only experienced two.
Dude Burnie should have won. Trump should have been laughed off the the stage, and it should have been Burnie vs. any other person that's not Trump; a hobo would have been a good choice. But ultimately, the reason we have this problem in the first place is because the government should have got their shit together a long time ago and been a government of the people, by the people, and for the people. The dem and rep should have been compromising instead of blocking everything that didn't fit exactly what they wanted, and they should be more concerned with what the US people want Instead of filling their pockets by lobbyists and giving each other handies behind closed doors.
Trump won because he said some stupid things, got media coverage over it, and then went hard on so much more stupid things unabashedly. That's why he got so much media attention and that's why he won. He got so much airtime over his shenanigans. Also, because everyone was freaking out over Trump over every little thing he said and did, if and when something worse came up (like grabbin dat pussy) is just filed under "oh more Trump bullshit".
By your assertions approx 1,380,000 voters in your state cast votes that didn't matter. 1/4 of the counties in your state voted H, 1.7 million votes, that was enough to give her all your electoral votes.,_2016
The electoral college was designed to keep the 20 biggest cities from deciding every election. Obama won 1/5 of the counties nationwide and that was enough to take the whitehouse. Trump won 4/5 of the counties nationwide.
I live in rural NY. Every election we get what NYC wants. We get taxed how they want, we are regulated how they want. Our rural votes are stamped out by the big cities every year. The whole country would work that way without the electoral system.
And I say it doesn't. My argument is that if there is one election ever where the popular and electoral do not align, and the result is in favor of not the popular, then it doesn't matter. It only takes one time to show that the popular doesn't matter.
The Bear Poker is right... if there were no electoral college system, candidates could just campaign in the 10 major cities (which are all generally democrat strongholds) and that would be enough to win. Then do you think any tax dollars would go to support anywhere in rural America? There would be an issue like this pipeline thing every week (obviously with different issues), since the cities would do what ever they want to the rest of the country. It would basically go back to a colony system, where the Cities are England, and the rural areas get no representation but are still taxed. And unfortunately for all those city folks, most of the guns are in that rural area.
Sure it's necessary more or less for fair elections (we can probably think of better ways but whatever). I'm just saying public opinion doesn't matter because it's in the hands of electoral.
That's true for the local areas but as a whole the popular vote doesn't matter. And in Washington , it matters even less because SeaTac basically controls all of Washington which has almost always been democratic.
Seattle-Tacoma. An area with a relatively very large concentration of people, especially considering East WA is 94% farmland, SeaTac being an international seaport, airport, industrial area, and all that whatnot.
That's why there is a petition to split Washington into 2 states. I doubt it will go anywhere (just like the Oregon and California attempts to secede), but it shows how different the areas are.
And because I can't stand either of them. Any of them. I hate election season and I've only experienced two.
The electoral college was designed to keep the 20 biggest cities from deciding every election. Obama won 1/5 of the counties nationwide and that was enough to take the whitehouse. Trump won 4/5 of the counties nationwide.
I live in rural NY. Every election we get what NYC wants. We get taxed how they want, we are regulated how they want. Our rural votes are stamped out by the big cities every year. The whole country would work that way without the electoral system.
Now fight