There are some really good people in this world
8 years ago by dooong · 2165 Likes · 5 comments · Popular
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· 8 years ago
Man, I wish I could meet those people and tell them how much I appreciate how they represent Christians. The thing is, if you're giving people a meal to talk about Jesus and salvation, you're doing it wrong. You should be feeding them because they are hungry, clothing them because they are cold, and giving because they need. If you're letting your actions speak your faith, your mouth won't need to do any work. And, you should go out and do these things because you have been changed, not with an ulterior motive that you can change others.
· 8 years ago
Yeah but you still need to tell them about Jesus they can't read your mind
· 8 years ago
that is why they have the stack of bibles. you knew their basis, they are just not forcing it.
· 8 years ago
isn't this like a langar hall
· 8 years ago
Wish they were all like this. I go to a catholic school and we had confession today. I didn't do it and when I was waiting for my group to finish I was harassed by some seniors to go do it so I just walked out. (I'm atheist.) Currently hiding in the bathroom waiting for my class to come back with my stuff locked in the classroom... it's been 38 minutes. Halp
Edited 8 years ago