The Germans didn't put a man on the moon, so yes Americans perfecting German technology. Yes a lot of Germans worked on it but it wasn't solely Germans
· 8 years ago
No...It was just MOSTLY German scientists they robbed up after WW2. Like Werner Von Braun.
Americans cannot perfect ANY technology let alone GERMAN (which are the world's best engineers!) All Americans have ever done is steal other people's technology and ideas (such as the car, the first of which was MERCEDES WHICH IS GERMAN!) or film cameras (which was created by the French Lumiere Brothers).
Riiiiiight... And where are you from if you don't mind me asking? Also trust me, the Americans did not rob the Germans hahaha, but thanks for the laugh
Edited 8 years ago
· 8 years ago
I'm British :)
They did. They kept them held for questioning in the States to learn what they'd been creating/experimenting with during the War. Mercedes was the first car ever made (Ford was the first made on a production line) and German's were creating the A-Bomb before the Americans but the Allies kept sabotaging production so it never got beyond a certain point.
Oh yeah that's right, Robert Goddard invented the rocket. I can't remember where he is from would you please look him up for me I can't remember where in Germany he lived. Also the Russians were raping, murdering, and pillaging their way through Germany. The German people were quite happy to come to the western allies rather than be left to the mercy of the russians.
Besides when was the last time the British made anything?
· 8 years ago
The person you were talking about created the first liquid fueled rocket, not space rocket. Not the same thing. If you want to be really petty the rocket was first allegedly created in 9th Century China.
Yeah the Russians were evil during the War (I still think the soldiers doing all that horrid shit should have done prison time!)
Given the choice anyone would do the same in similar circumstances.
I'm can't be arsed to trek through the whole thing so here's a list of British Inventions:
Well you said Americans robbed the Germans from their own country and then you said that you would've fled Germany just like what actually happened with the Germans and Americans. Then you said we can't create any of our technology which then I refuted with Goddard and then you so kindly pointed out the Chinese created the original rocket. But at the end of the day who cares who has the original idea, it's about who uses it best. Which is as you pointed out is the good ole USA, so your welcome for saving you in back to back world wars
· 8 years ago
They did rob the scientists from Germany who worked on the Space Program.
Yes I still stand by what I said, if I were regular old Gerta the German I'd rather live in America than get raped by the Russians.
I pointed out that a German scientist (nabbed by you yanks after the War) created the Space Rocket which got you guys to the Moon (although the Russians beat you guys into Space first lol).
Yeah, thanks for coming in late on BOTH occasions.
But don't worry, we've got your countrys ass when either Trump or Hillary gets you into the next one with Russia or North Korea.
Well I wouldn't expect anything out of Europe to help us out anyways, not with Muslim terrorists running rampant through your streets raping all your women and hacking people up with axes and running them over with trucks
Also we came late because we wanted to give you a chance to save face and retain some semblance of the ability to handle yourself, clearly wasn't the case, either time
· 8 years ago
We might have foreign terrorists here but at least we don't have to deal with domestic ones (aka your dumbass police force that seems to be too trigger happy!)
And OMG you REALLY don't know your history do you...?
You guys entered WW1 because the Germans sank the Lusitania (which Winston Churchill played puppet master to by withholding vital information from her about enemy submarine locations) and you entered late the second time because the American people didn't want to get sucked into a European War, and then Pearl Harbour happened (which wasn't really a surprise as you kinda had it coming for placing fuel embargoes on Japan) and because Japan was allied with Germany you stepped in.
Get. Your. Facts. Right. Dumbass.
Edited 8 years ago
· 8 years ago
I bet you're one of those unintelligent, barely educated, redneck, trashy, insufferable butt nugget 'Muricans that supports Donald Trump aren't you?
No wonder you can't get your facts straight, look who you're looking up to! The Great Perma-Tanned Merkin!
Well the Lusitania was a valid target of war since I'm pretty sure it was caring munitions, but we placed embargo's on the Japanese since they were invading people and then commuting atrocities. Yeah so it was totally undeserving of them to have embargoes placed against them, just as police shoot undeserving people all the time. Actually the police have never once shot anyone in the United States who hasn't deserved it, they are all baby murders. Also please please please don't tell me you like Hillary more than trump
· 8 years ago
Yeah right, so when they shot an unarmed black therapist with his arms in the air he MUST have deserved it!
No I hate both of them. Your Country is fucked either way come November.
Yeah, it happens unfortunately. And I wanted Ron Paul, limited government across the board, I'll settle for trump before Hillary though, anyone but another Clinton
Do something so they start learning about Celsius
Also: Germany created the rocket so...who really put man on the moon?
Americans cannot perfect ANY technology let alone GERMAN (which are the world's best engineers!) All Americans have ever done is steal other people's technology and ideas (such as the car, the first of which was MERCEDES WHICH IS GERMAN!) or film cameras (which was created by the French Lumiere Brothers).
They did. They kept them held for questioning in the States to learn what they'd been creating/experimenting with during the War. Mercedes was the first car ever made (Ford was the first made on a production line) and German's were creating the A-Bomb before the Americans but the Allies kept sabotaging production so it never got beyond a certain point.
The person you were talking about created the first liquid fueled rocket, not space rocket. Not the same thing. If you want to be really petty the rocket was first allegedly created in 9th Century China.
Yeah the Russians were evil during the War (I still think the soldiers doing all that horrid shit should have done prison time!)
Given the choice anyone would do the same in similar circumstances.
I'm can't be arsed to trek through the whole thing so here's a list of British Inventions:
Yes I still stand by what I said, if I were regular old Gerta the German I'd rather live in America than get raped by the Russians.
I pointed out that a German scientist (nabbed by you yanks after the War) created the Space Rocket which got you guys to the Moon (although the Russians beat you guys into Space first lol).
Yeah, thanks for coming in late on BOTH occasions.
But don't worry, we've got your countrys ass when either Trump or Hillary gets you into the next one with Russia or North Korea.
And OMG you REALLY don't know your history do you...?
You guys entered WW1 because the Germans sank the Lusitania (which Winston Churchill played puppet master to by withholding vital information from her about enemy submarine locations) and you entered late the second time because the American people didn't want to get sucked into a European War, and then Pearl Harbour happened (which wasn't really a surprise as you kinda had it coming for placing fuel embargoes on Japan) and because Japan was allied with Germany you stepped in.
Get. Your. Facts. Right. Dumbass.
No wonder you can't get your facts straight, look who you're looking up to! The Great Perma-Tanned Merkin!
No I hate both of them. Your Country is fucked either way come November.