This happened to me. I listened to him, but I wasnt looking to form a friendship or anything. Anyways, it kept going and later I found out from a friend that he had pictures of me on his phone...
I didnt even comfront him about that I was scared of him and just avoided him completely. Later I received multiple, long (like letters) hate/"disappointment" messages on my facebook page...
· 8 years ago
Being nice always has its consequences
· 8 years ago
(WARNING: LONG STORY) Had a kid like that in my FACS class. I wore a Dragon Ball shirt to school one day and he tried talking to me. I didn't have any friends in that class, so I thought what the hell. No matter how many times I told this kid that I had not seen nor did I have any intention of seeing Attack on Titan, he was determined to ask me about my favorite characters, episodes, and moments of that show His idea of a conversation starter was quoting movies and cartoons with no context, and he simply could not take a hint that I wanted to be left alone. One day for a talent show, he somehow convinced a girl in his grade to do a duet with him. Long story short, he came in too early on the chorus of Bring Me To Life and decided to crouch down in silence for the rest of the song. Oh, and they forgor the CD, so there was no music. The single most awkward event I've endured to this day.
I didnt even comfront him about that I was scared of him and just avoided him completely. Later I received multiple, long (like letters) hate/"disappointment" messages on my facebook page...