Goddamn. I thought Australia's debt was bad, turns out we are among the best. Well then boys and girls, looks like it's time for some good old fashioned genocide.
Ohmajeez is a fucking sheeple. If you do not know the 5 families in the world who legit own basically al the money (the 2 mentioned in the post are the richest of the 5) then you are a part of the problem.
What, exactly, is the piece of paper supposed to represent? The bank doesn't give itself the same amount of money it loaned, it just has more money than that.
Not this again. The "Rockefellers and Rothschilds" thing is a big favorite of the tin foil hat crowd.
· 9 years ago
Dude it's not some fuckin conspiracy. Literally all this shit is google-able. There were articals many years ago about the 5 families buying out america already. These people own everything.
Regular banks would be putting 10X ($1000) in their back pocket
Federal banks put 100X ($10000) in their back pocket